AN:- In this particular little story, none of the SHINee members are famous. Also, this special OneShot when I was writing it, I didn't realise just how long it was and so I've decided to split it up and put it up in a few shorter parts then publish the whole thing up all as one chapter. You'll get to meet all the SHINee members in this OneShot so I hope that's something that you'll also enjoy! :)
"Yaah TaeHee Nuna just let me sleep!" He whined, contently sprawled out like a dead starfish on top of my bed. "I'm sleepy still!"
I pinched the bridge of my nose to keep my frustration with my younger brother at bay. Blowing up on him was clearly not going to work seeing as it had little to zero effect on his lazy ass. Scowling I stomped across the length of my bedroom to the curtains that were still drawn tightly shut and yanked them open harshly, letting the sunlight of the morning turning afternoon sprinkle merrily inside the darkened room.
I smirked out happily as Taemin loudly yelped out in dismayed surprise from where he was lying on the bed. His hair was in complete and utter disarray all disheveled and tangled in knots as he stuck his head up momentarily to peer menacingly at the sudden outburst of light that had flooded the previously dark, perfect to sleep in room.
Mission accomplished, I thought smugly, arms crossed across my chest satisfactorily.
"Nuunnnaaaa!" He moaned peeking up at me through half opened, sleep heavy lids. "Why are you being such a menace to my sleep!?"
"Taemin-ah seriously!" I said in exasperation, unfurling my arms as I threw them up in the air irkingly.
"Get up and out of my bed right now and let's go!" I said sternly not paying his grumpy face any attention. "We need to leave soon and you're still half dead and a god forsaken reeking pile of sweat and booze!"
He groaned hiding his face dramatically in between the pillows. "Well you would stink too if you had to work the night shift at the bar with drunken fools!"
I tsked disapprovingly at him. "Now is not the time to be crying over your job Taemin."
"When will it ever be a good time to complain about it then?" He asked incredulously, gazing up sleepily at me.
"Taemin." I huffed, throwing him a dirty look over my shoulder. "You chose this job yourself you weird child, so quite naturally you have no real room to complain about it at all!"
"Nuna you're so harsh to me." He complained.
Rolling my eyes I gave him a small shove just as he began to close his eyes once more making him jump up startlingly, ever so slightly, as he gazed mournfully at me.
"You act like someone placed you at gunpoint and then forced you to take on the job you have."
Muttering under his breath he glared emptily at the pillows he rested on. "Aish Nuna! It's too early in the morning to be debating about this."
He pulled the blankets up over his head. "I'll fight with you on this later on in the day when I'm a little more alert and if I still remember to!"
"Yaah Taemin-ah get up right now you lazy bum or so help me, I will actually leave without you and not feel the slightest bit of guilt about it either!"
"You wouldn't ever dare to even think about leaving without me Nuna!"
Grumbling momentarily I glared at the back of his messy bed head hating how unfortunately he had caught me out on my lie just like that within a split second.