What will happen

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Yang's POV

I wake up at the normal time, around 0500 (5:00am). I get up, my head killing me, and with a slight dizziness, but head to the bathroom anyway, if i can't deal with pain, i'm not getting far. I do the normal routine, brush my teeth, brush my hair, shower, brush my hair again, dry it, put on real cloths and not just PJs. I put on a Yellow T-shirt and normal blue jeans, black running shoes, grab my gym bag and head out the door.

As i walk out i see a familiar face, she was my neighbor i think her name was Blake(?). We make eye contact and i do what I usually do when i see her, say something nice, today was, "oh, i like your bow, looks nice." "Thank your, you look a bit nicer today then normal, anything special going on?" "Nope," i say popping the P "Hairs just a bit more brushed" That was the extent of our conversations, complement, compliment back, question, answer, leave, just like today.

I try to walk out the door when i hear the landlord say "you need to pay rent.". Was she talking to me, no, i payed yesterday, i payed with Blake, we had the longest conversation i can remember, just our plans for the weekend soon. "I'm sorry? I payed yesterday, i have a witness, Yang was there". Wait, she's giving Blake shit? I turn and walk back to the counter. "I heard my name what's up?" "Oh sorry, you can go do what you need, sorry." she said a small smile on her face and her eyes just asking me to leave. I shrug and walk out the door. She must not like me very much.

I start to walk as i see the Landlord explode, just yelling at Blake, what did she do? I turn back and walk in only to hear "YOU DIDN'T PAY IT ALL, YOUR SHORT 200$" "I paid the full 600, i had the extra 200 in there.." She didn't raise her voice, she just stood there, great, thanks for the sense of justice dad. "Ok, i can't walk away, what is going on here?" Blake jumped a bit, the yelling made it sound like i wasn't there in the first place. "I'm just short on rent is all, don't worry" "I saw your check, you had $200 extra." I didn't know what was going on, but no one is going homeless on my watch.

"Well she is still short 200, remember last month Blake?" She tilted her head down and nodded her head. "So she's just short 200?" I ask, what was i about to do?! "Yes!" Ok, i mean i have the money, i could just pay. But why, you barely know her, short conversations, nothing more, next thing i know i'm handing her a check. "Cool, that should take care of it." The landlord looked at me, confused, and so was Blake. "W-why, you don't have to pay, i can manage" "I'm being nice, let me do this." "You are doing more than being nice, that's 200 dollars!" "Yeah, and, i wasn't going to use it on anything, i just got 3,000 dollars last week, plus i could use the karma" "If you're making that kind of money, why do you even live here? What do you even do?!" "Nothing much, i'm just a boxer." I leave them with the check and leave.

~le time skip bitches~

I had my earbuds in, as i'm doing my usual work out, right now i was at a punching bag, I had broken a few in the past so i have to be careful, i was about to throw another punch when i feel a tap on my shoulder, i overdo it a bit and oops, another punching bag hits the wall as the chain broke. I take one earbud out and turn to see an old friend."Nora, how are you man?!" "I've been fine i saw your latest fight on T.V. Little too much power for the kid Yang!" "she's lucky i held back at all, she insulted Ruby, i shoved her words right back down her throat" "What was her name again?" "I don't know, Emerald? She wasn't to much of a boxer anyway."

We talked a bit, I showered there, and went back to my place. "So want to meet up sometime this week?" "No, can't, Ren and I still have a lot of Unpacking to do." She said, same big smile plastered across her face. "Ok, see ya later" "Bye, Yang!". With that, we left for our homes, it was 0900 (9:00am), not as long as i would of liked the work out, but oh well, It started around 0700 (7:00am). I had to visit Ruby today anyway. I walk past a small daycare, a tall blond man was looking at the tiny children, looking at what there drawing, talking to a few, just doing his job. It reminded me of Ruby and Weiss's kid, cute kid too. (Don't ask, Fanfiction logic ok?!)

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