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~Time skip~

Yang POV

I get up and stretch, and walk out to the deck of the boat, seeing a small island in the distance.

I got my arm on, that I had made yellow before I left, and waiting till we would pull into the port so I can find Blake.

I see the captain walking twords me out of the corner of my eye. "You know, it's kind of weird for a human to travel here." I shrug, I just want to find her.

"Mind if I ask why you're coming here?" "Looking for someone." "Maybe I've seen them." "Maybe, shouldn't you be in the control area?" "Should be? Yes, do I have to be? No."

I shrug and keep watching as the island gets bigger and bigger. "Why are you looking for them?" "Reasons." Does he not know I want him to leave me alone?

"Well, we should be there in about 10 minutes so, I'm going to head back to the control area." I nod as he walks away.

I look at the island and grab my bag tighter, I hope Blake is actually here, I want to know why she left.

After a while the boat was at the port and I got off. Sun said it was the big house but where is it?

I follow a dirt road, earning a few dirty looks from the people there, not surprised, I'm a human. Maybe I can ask someone where they are.

I see a man with rabbit ears, maybe I can ask him. I walk up to the man, who was significantly shorter than me. "Hello, you wouldn't happen to know where the Belladonna household is, do you?"

The man smiled, he kind of reminded me of Velvet. "Yes I do, it is over here." He said, walking somewhere. He pointed down the dirt road to a huge house. "It's that one." "Thank you sir, I owe you, if you need something let me know." He nodded as I walk down the road to the house.

I take a deep breath as I get to the door, and knock. To my surprise, Sun opened the door. "YANG!? You made it!" I nod and smile. "Thanks for telling me where she was, I wouldn't know where to start looking."

"No problem, ho-" "WHO'S AT THE DOOR?!" someone yelled, their voice deep. A large man, with black hair, and a beard walks over to the door.

"What do you want?" "Hello sir, is Blake here?" "Who's asking?" "Sir, this is Yang, she's actually really nice." Sun said, walking next to me.

"We don't-" "Honey, let her in, she seems nice, and Sun trusts her." A small woman, who looked a lot like Blake, but with short hair said. The man rolled his eyes and stepped to the side.

I walk in with sun, and the woman called up the stairs. "BLAKE HON, SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU." I heard a door open, and I watched Blake walk down the stairs, she had bags under her eyes, and she looked like she hadn't been eating.

Her eyes where red and puffy, like she had been crying, and she had the hoodie I gave her on. She got downstairs, and went up to the woman.

"Who-" she looked at me, and froze, tears in her eyes. "Blake...what happened?" I say walking twords her.

She took a step back, like she was scared of me. I take a step back, and look at her, my face saddened. "Is this a joke?" She asked the Man. "Is this some sick joke?" "No, I don't even know who this is."

She looked at me again, and at my arm, and covered her mouth. Tears started rolling, and I walked up to her. "Blake, don't cry." I say wiping her tears, and hugging her.

"This can't be real, you can't be real." She said, still crying. "Blake, look at me, i'm right here, I'm right in front of you." I say, lifting her head up to look at me.

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