chapter 26

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Usually, I do the suggestions, however, I can't think of anything, so I'm just going to progress with the story. (Not proof read)

Blake and Yang had been out, running a few errands, when Yang's phone rang.

"Hello.....oh, hello sir......3 weeks?!..... rematch?......yes sir.....have a nice day...." Blake looked at Yang confused about what was happening.

"My manager called, apparently I have a match in 3 weeks, someone couldn't handle loosing." Blake nodded, as they passed a clothing store.

As a familiar face walked out, Blake instantly knew who it was. "Well well well, if it isn't the gay cat!" He said. "Shit!" Blake said, panic in her voice.

Yang looked at Blake concerned, "what's wrong, Blake?" She asked, looking back at the man, he had tiger ears, and wore sun glasses.

"Awwww, are you her widdle gwrl friend, you days are pathetic!" He said, reaching for Blake.

"Fuck off buddy!" Yang said, her eyes turning red, and grabbing his wrist." "Shut the fuck up you whore, you don't deserve her!"

Blake froze, for once, fearing for Axl's life. "Excuse me?" She asked, her voice getting low, and her body temperature rising.

"I said that your not good enough for her, and that you're a whore." Yang took a deep breath, and her eyes went back to normal.

"He's not worth it, let's just go." Blake said, as Yang let go. "Fine!" She said, anger hiding in her voice.

Axl took the opportunity, and grabbed Blakes ear. "You're not going anywhere kitty!" Blake whimpered in pain, and Yang exploded into flames.

He let go, and fell backwards, his sunglasses falling off, and fear in his eyes. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" She yelled.

Blake got behind Yang, holding her ear as it throbbed in pain. "What the hell?!" He said, confused, and scared, as he looked at Yang.

Blake grabbed Yang's human hand, calming her down. "Look, let's just go."

"You bitch, I'll kill you!" He yelled Getting up. "Try it, I'll knock your teeth in!" "So you're threatening me now, hm?!"

"You just said you'd kill me!" "I don't remember that" he said, crossing his arms, looking at her smug like.

"I'm not doing shut unless you come at me first." He smirked and ran twords them, and Yang kept her promise.

"You bitch, I didn't even touch you, you just attacked me." "You tried to hurt Blake!" Yang said, angry.

"I never touched you!" "Good Samaritan law bitch!" "What?" "It means you can't do shit to me, because I was defending someone!"

Axl looked annoyed, and stood up. "You're gonna regret that sweetheart!" He shouted, hurling his fist twords her.

Yang grabbed his wrist, and stopped the punch, easily, he eyes glowing red. She kicked the back of his knee, making him kneel down on the ground, and used her human arm, to grab an ear.

"Listen here you piece of shit, if you touch a single hair on MY girlfriend ever again, I will personally make sure, it's the last thing you do in this life!" She said, twisting his ear a bit.

Axl had tears in his eyes, that fell down his face. "Is that understood?" Yang asked, her hand getting hotter. "Y-yes ma'am, i-i-i won't touch her again!" Blake put her hand on Yang's shoulder.

"Come on, let's finish what we need to, and go home, ok?" She said, smiling at Yang, her eyes sparkled in the sun.

"Fine, but I'm not going to be nice to this bitch." "And I'm honestly, ok with that." Blake said, grabbing Yang's arm.

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