The aftermath

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As Yang was in the hospital bed, Tieyang was by her side. "Oh gods, I told you to control your temper."

"WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" He yelled at a doctor, who was looking at the machines connected to Yang.

"Sir, please, calm down, I'm still trying to understand how she's still alive, her heart is still beating, even though it's beating extremely to fast, but she lost almost all the blood in her body."

"How long till she recovers?" "We don't know."

A loud BANG was heard, and they saw the Sun had kicked the door in. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He asked, as Blake ran in, grabbing his arm trying to pull him out.

"Who are you?! Get out!" "I need to know Yang is ok!" Sun said, angry, and concerned. "Sun, please, let the doctors do what they need to." Blake said, pulling on his arm.

The doctor, looked back at the heart monitor, seeing her heat beat slowed down, as if she was calm.

"Wait." The doctor said, looking at Tie. "Her, when she spoke, her heart rate went down." The doctor turn to face Blake.

"What's your name?" "Blake, Blake Belladonna." The doctor nodded, and looked at the monitor.

A quiet voice could be heard, not much louder than a wisper. "Please, stay." Everyone looked to where the voice came from, seeing Yang with slightly open eyes.

"Yang, they have to leave." Tie said, "Just let Blake stay, she might be able to help." The doctor said.

"Fine, Blake, you can stay, you" he pointed to Sun, "have to go." Sun rolled his eyes, and walked out.

Blake walked over to Yang, as Yang grabbed her hand. "Is it you, the real you?" She asked. Blake nodded, holding back tears, knowing she did this to Yang.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Yang just looked at her and smiled. "It's not your fault, you weren't you." "I-i should have been stronger, I'm sorry."

Yang raised a hand  to Blake's cheek, cupping it in her hand. "Blake, I love you, I really do."

Yang's eyes slowly closed, as her hand fell. "Yang? YANG!" Blake yelled, panicked. "Don't worry, she's just asleep." Tie said, getting up.

"So, you're Blake?" He asked, looking down at her. Blake nodded, but stayed quiet, looking at Yang.

"You really care about her, don't you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I do." "Then why'd you leave her?"

Blake turned her head to face him. "What?" "You left her after her arm got cut off." Blake looked back at Yang.

"I didn't want her to get hurt again because of me, and after that, I was sure she wanted me gone." Tie nodded.

"She was miserable, I had to make her eat, and the only reason she got out of bed to train, was so she could find you."

Blake nodded, knowing this, still, looking at Yang. "She really loves you." "I know, but after this, once she wakes up, that's probably going to change."

"No, she got her arm cut off for you, and now she almost died for you, nothing will change how she feels about you."

Blake felt the tears in her eyes. "How long till she can come home again?" Tie thought for a second.

"Well, since she found out what she was, we're going out of the public eye for about a year."

Blake nodded, grabbing Yang's human hand. "I'm not sure if I can go that long without her." "Then you have to."

Blake looked at him confused. "If you feel, you can't live without her, then it's not a healthy relationship, trust me, I'm speaking from experience."

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