The daycare break

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Yang's POV

Normal day, wake up, do what I need to, grab my gym bag, head out the door, say hi to Blake, leave. Do the normal workout, shower, put on my normal clothes, and leave.

I walk past the daycare again, but I decided to say hi to Blake, I have nothing else to do today so why not. I see the same guy inside, Does Blake have a break around this time? Oh well, I walk in, the boy looks at me and says "Hello, welcome to the- HOLY!!" I look at him confused as he had a surprise look on his face. "Can..can I help you?" "Oh, right, um, I'm sun, huge fan" Oh, this is always fun... sometimes. "Oh, you're sun? Blake told me about you." "You know Blake?" "Yes, I came to say hi, and see if we could hang out during her breaks."

He looked surprised, then turned to the kids and said. "Ok, we are going to talk, I'll be back in a bit, for now, Scarlett and Neptune are in charge." He led me to the back, am I even  allowed back here. Sun opens the door leading in first, I see Blake reading. Sun grabs the top of her book, and forced it down. "Why didn't you tell me you know 'The dragon'" "My name is actually Yang" "Didn't realize you where a fan of Yang's" Blake said plainly. "Anyway, just dropped by to say hi, and wanted to see of you want to hang out, I have nothing else to do today." She closed her book and set it down.

"Yeah, why not?" "Cool, i really don't want to be alone today. Its gets really boring." Sun take a step towards us. "Blake, do you even realise who this is, it is The Dragon, famous boxer Yang Xiao Long. She crushed so many people in tournaments." He said taking a step towards Blake, "And she is asking you to hang out. Do you not realise what is happening. Do you know how many people would KILL for this opportunity.". He seemed very excited and concerned.

"Wow, you make me sound better than i am." I say, crossing my arms looking at him. He turns around to face me, and looks nerves, his face red, shit, please don't be another one. "I've watched every single one of your fights, i'm really a huge fan." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I was wondering if...if i could get you to sign my shirt.". Was not expecting that of all things.

I see Blake just put her hand to her face and grab the bridge of her nose. She let out a sigh, and looked down at the ground, a bit frustrated. "Yeah, sure, why not?" I say, grabbing a marker. He bent over a bit so i could sign. "There, done." He sits up and has the look of a child who just got a toy the wanted for years.

"I'm sorry about him, Yang." "It's fine, you don't need to apologize." Sun runs out, leaving me and Blake alone. "So, what do you want to do?" she asked, giving that small smile. "How long are you on break?" I ask, arms still crossed. "About" She looks at her phone. "Yeah, about 30 more minutes." She says, standing up from the chair she was sitting in. What to do, what to do?

"Let's head over to my favorite coffee shop, it's a cute little place, and i know the owners." I say uncrossing my arms. "Sure, as long as they have tea." She says, with a smile that could make me melt. "Cool, lets go." I say, grabbing her hand, and leading her out. i didn't feel myself dragging her, and she didn't pull away, Weird.

I let go of her hand and we walked and talked the 2 minutes it took to get there. We stopped outside of a small coffee shop called Chocolate Bunny. "I never expected you to like a place like this, the name seems to....cute." Blake says looking at the sign. "Yeah, but trust me on this, it's a great place." She gives a small laugh, and we walk in.

A small australian voice greeted us. "Hello, welcome to the- YANG!" "Hey Vel, how are you, its been ages." Velvet said her rabbit ears perked up. "I made a new friend." I say, gesturing towards Blake. She gave a small shy wave to Vel, and Velvet waved back. "Nice to meet you, i'm Velvet, i own this place with my wife." Blake looked surprised, then smiled. "I'm Blake, nice to meet you.".

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