Heading back

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Yang POV

I sat on the couch, ready to leave as Blake finished packing, playing on my phone.

Blake had decided that after a week, we should probably head back home, and, she might be right.

I hear large footsteps coming closer, and I look up to see Ghira in a black and gold boxing robe, with gloves on, and boxing shorts on.

"Oh, hey, what with the get up?" He clears his throat, and spoke. "Yang, I trust you to keep my daughter safe, but I want to see if for myself."

I nod and got up and stretched. "Understandable, ok, I'll take you on." I say, smiling and grabbing yellow boxing clothes.

He smiles and started to walk away as I head to the bathroom to change.

I come out, and see Blake standing there, a bit annoyed and amused. "So, you're going to fight my dad?" She asked, leaning forward. I nod, and grab the pair of black gloves Blake had in her hand.

She giggled and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. "Just don't hurt him to much."

I smile, and we walk down into the basement, where they had a boxing ring. "YOU HAD THIS THE WHOLE TIME?!" I yell, a bit disappointed.

"Yes, now let's go!" Ghira said, exited. I step into the ring, and Ghira gets into a fighting position.

"Ready to have your ass handed to you?" He asked, smirking, he's getting cocky.

I get into my stance, as Sun walks out in a referee shirt, and had a whistle.

He blew in the whistle and started. "I want a good clean match, no funny business." "How far do you intend on taking this?" I ask Ghira. "We can get rid of him and start."

Sun just put his hands up and backed away. "Start!" We started circling each other, untill Ghira took the first strike.

I move out of the way and put my arms up, ready to take a few strikes to the face, but he goes for my ribs.

I bring one arm down, to block, as he threw another punch twords my face. I use my robotic arm to block, and I jumped back a bit.

He's good, just need to figure out how to beat him. His punches seem slower, but they're strong.

I get closer and waited for him to strike. He thew another punch, and I doged and went to punch his face, only for him to block with his other arm.

I used my robotic arm to punch him in the gut, and he stumbled back a little. He grabbed his stomach and bent forward.

"Ah, shit!" He yelled, I lowered my arms, and ran over. "Are you ok?" I ask, putting 1 arm on his back.

I saw a spark in his eye as I felt a glove collide with my face.

I went flying back, and landed on my back. Shit, he hits hard, guess there's no point in holding back as much.

I get up, and bush my shoulders off, and stare at him, grinning evilly, this was going to be a fun match.

I raised my arms again, ready to fight again. He ran twords me, ready to punch as I duck and stand back up, hitting him in the nose as he stumbled back.

I walked over with my arms still up, watching him carefully. I throw a punch, as he blocks it, I throw another, again, he blocks.

I keep pushing until his arms give out, and make contact with his face, and he falls backwards.

He stands up, and I can tell he's getting angry. He punched, and I blocked. He punched again, and again, and again, and again.

This went on for a while as I blocked, until her punched me in my liver. I stumbled back a bit, and looked up at him, well shit.

An unlikely pair (Blake x Yang)Where stories live. Discover now