The return

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Yang POV

I sat on the couch, playing a game, Blake sat across from me, reading.

"Today has been really boring." I said, listening to the guys on my team talk about their day so far.

"Maybe I can make it less boring." Blake said, still reading.

I look over at her, she didn't even have to do anything to make me fucking gay for her. "Fuck I'm gay" I whisper, and saw Blake's cat ear twitch.

"I know" she said, smiling. "Wait what?" A guy on my team asked. "Sorry, just talking to my girlfriend." I said, still looking at Blake.

"Yo, you got a girlfriend?!" "What's her name" "what's your name?" "How long have you been dating?!"

"Don't kill my ears please. Yes I have a girlfriend, her name is Blake, my name is Yang, and we've been dating for about, 6 months now."

"Nice, can we talk to her?" "Yeah, is she nice?" "Can she play?" "Don't know, it's up to her."

I hand Blake the controller, and she grabs it. "What?" "They want you to play."

She takes the head set too, and put her book down.

"Hi, I'm her girlfriend....... yeah, i'm not going to be good, but sure......oh, ok."

I watch as she played, and helped her a bit, and she had a good time talking with my team.

That was our day, we've been on a few more dates, but, we mainly do do much at home, I'm out practicing, and training, and she stays home.

Later, we where in bed, when I heard the door open, bit a bang.

"What was that?" Blake asked, and we heard another bang.

I got up, and thew the blanket off of me. I grabbed my hand gun I kept in my bedside table, and went out into the living room.

"Who's there!" I ask, nothing. I couldn't see anything, until the light came on.

"FUCK!" I yelled, the sudden light blinding me for a second. I felt something come in contact with my face.

I grabbed my nose, and looked up. A man in a white and black uniform with a mask on stood in front of me.

He thew another punch, and I shot him. He fell back, he wasn't dead, but he was unconscious.

"Fucking hell." I said, as I walk back into the room. Only to see it trashed, and the light was on.

"BLAKE?!" I yelled, and heard a muffled scream. I ran to the window and saw HIM.

I jumped out the window and saw him put a needle into her arm, with some sort of green liquid.

"YOU BASTARD!" I yell before he disappeared, with Blake. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU HEAR ME, I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!" I yell into the sky.

I ran to Sun's house, he has some fight in him, I hope. I pounded on the door and a sleepy Neptune answered the door.

"Yang? It's almost 2 in the morning what's wrong." "Please...he took her...he took Blake." I said, trying to get my breathing under control.

"Who?" "Adam." I heard footsteps running twords us. "HE WHAT?!" He asked, angry.

"Come on, we need a few more people!" "Get in the van." He said, walking twords a yellow van.

I get in the driver seat and he gets in the passenger seat. "Any idea where he may have taken her?"

I paused for a second, and got my breathing under control, and closed my eyes, where would he take her?!

An unlikely pair (Blake x Yang)Where stories live. Discover now