The fight

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Yang POV
~Time skip~

I sat on the couch in my hotel room, Blake was out for now, and I had a few hours to prepare for the fight.

Neon Katt was known to make her opponents tired, then take them out. This is a good strategy, and I said it hasn't worked much before, but she has won a lot of fights.

I rub my neck, feeling over the mark left by Blake, hope it's not to noticeable. It's not as bad as it used to be, but you could still see it, and I don't need everyone knowing.

I mean, I'm fine with it, really, but, I don't know how Blake would feel about me just  having it shown, I'm pretty sure she's still a bit embarrassed about it.

The door opens and in walks Blake, with a pie, bread, and and switch meat. "What's the pie for?" I ask, getting up and walking twords her.

"Well, when you win, you have a pie to eat as a reward, and on the very slight chance you loose, comfort food." I laughed, did she just want pie?

"You never know, I could loose." "That won't happen." She said, putting a sandwich together. "What makes you say that?" "Because, if you start to loose, or just get angry, she'll be crushed."

"Wow, you really have a lot of faith in me." She nodded and finished her sandwich. She turned and looked at me, "want one?" "No, i'm good"

She nods and sits on the couch, and I sit next to her. She reads and eats her sandwich. "Blake." She says nothing.

"Blaaake" again, nothing, "Blake Belladonna." Her ears perked up a bit, but fell again. "Blake." She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, then continued reading.

I do actually have a question for her, I just want her to not be reading when I ask it. "Blake!" I say, pulling the book down.

"What is it?" "How long is the mark on my neck going to be there?" "Don't know, but it's going to be there for a while."

I lean back into the couch, as Blake reads her book again, "how do you not know?" "Never did that someone before." She said, not looking away from her book.

"You never did this to your ex?" "No, and I never let him do it to me." Well shit, I have no idea how long this is going to be on my neck.

~Time skip~

I walk out of my preparation area into an arena full of fans cheering, a very loud arena.

I look back to Blake one last time before the fight, her cat ears flat against her head, I give her a wink, and get into the ring.

I look to the other side of the arena, there stood a girl with a cat tail, with pink hair, with a bit of blue in her hair.

She had a pink heat tattoo under her eye, and had a caller with a bell on. Neon Katt. She had a smug look on her face, like she knew she was going to win.

I wanted to punch that look off of her face. As the announcer is talking, she winks at me, what the fuck?!

The match starts and we start circling, and she starts to talk. "Hey, where'd you get your hair extensions?" "Uhh, this is just my normal hair."

"Is there a problem with-" "ooo, you should try roller blading sometime, might take you a while though because you're so, you know, top heavy."

I look down, and back at her, "Excuse me?!" We start and runs straight for me, she punched my side, and keeps running.

I start to chase her, and tried to punch her a few times but missed. She ran around me, and started to punch me and run, then run back and punch me again.

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