Getting back up

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Yang POV

I step out side, and block the sun with my new arm, "oh, look who's up." I heard a voice say. I look and see my dad, chopping wood, Ruby sitting next to him.

"Morning Dad, Morning Ruby." Dad smiled and looked at my arm. "How's the arm feel?" I walk over and take my arm down and look at it. "It feels.... natural."

He smiled again, so did Ruby, "So, want to get back to training?" He asked, "NOPE!" Ruby yelled running twords the house. "Sure, I have to get used to this arm."

Ruby came out with a stool and sat down, while I walked over to my dad to train a bit. We got into our stances, and started circling each other. I threw the first punch and he blocked it.

He threw 2 and I blocked them, but he threw a third punch, and got me in the face. I thew a few more and he blocked them, until I landed a hit on his arm.

This went on for about an hour until he punched me in the stomach, and I fell down. I was breathing heavily, and looked at my arm, for a second, it felt like I had my arm was back.

"You know" My dad started, as I start to sit up. "I saw all of your fights." I raised an eyebrow, confused. "You got mad in every fight." "What's the difference between me getting mad and anyone else?"

"Well for one, when someone gets mad, they aren't basically throwing a tantrum." I think about Everytime I got angry before, he was right.

"And two, you use it to much, you use it like a crutch when you have perfectly fine legs." I guess he was right, I do use my anger a lot to my advantage.

"How about we train for a bit more?" I nod and get up. "That sounds like a good idea." We get up, and train a bit more, I got a few more punches in, but still couldn't beat him.

"You're getting better, I can tell you that." "Thanks, but, I can't beat you." "You will eventually, but I have to say, you're in a better mood than yesterday, something happen?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, but it's nothing." "What happened?" "Just got a bit of information." "On?" "Stuff, now let's head inside and take and eat."

We go inside and I take a shower while my dad cooks.

If I go find Blake, what would I even say? What should I do? Would she get someone else? Do I even matter to her anymore? Does she even want me anymore? Will she find my arm disgusting? WHY DID SHE LEAVE?!

I get out of the shower, and get dressed, then go downstairs. "Hey dad, what's for lunch?" "Just grilled cheese sandwiches." "Oh, ok." "You don't sound exited." "Dad, it's just cheese and bread." He scoffed.

"Well you have to eat something, and this is the best you're going to get." I rolled my eyes, and sat down as he set a plate in front of me.

"How's the arm?" "It's great so far, it has a lot of stuff so if feels like and actual arm." He nodded and sat down with his grilled cheese, and Ruby was already eating.

"How you feeling Yang?" Ruby asked, smiling. "A lot better." "That's good!" I nod and start eating, I think there's a port near here, I can get a ticket and go, but what if she doesn't want to see me?

Blake POV

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, I didn't sleep much, I haven't been able to sleep much at all, the thought of Yang keeps me up and I can't sleep, I'm starting to get bags under my eyes.

I stand up and walk downstairs, no one was up yet, so i decided a small walk around would help, maybe a little.

I change, and put on Yang's hoodie, it still smells like her, it's like she's still here with me a little. I step outside seeing the sun start to rise.

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