The nightmare

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Yang POV

We sat on the couch after we ate. I turned on another video game and Blake was still reading.

I'm not complaining, I love having Blake around, her company was enough right now, So I keep playing my game. I had just beat doc, when I look at time. 7:00pm already?!

I look over at Blake who is still reading, but I did hear her laugh when ever I died, so I know she was paying attention to a lot more than her book.

"How's the book?" I ask, she pulls it closer to her. "Good, thanks for asking" I see her blush a bit, what's the book about? "what's it about?" She freezed, she didn't even breath.

"It's a love story." I look at the book title, "Percy Jackson" I've read that one, not exactly a romantic book. "Really? Last I checked, that book is fantasy, and doesn't exactly have any major romance."

I say, raising an eye brow, smirking as I look at her. "So what you really reading?" She says nothing, and her face starts to turn red. I lean over to try to take off the cover, but she pulls away the book.

I get up and walk over, "what are hiding?" I say with a smirk, as she just closes the book and puts it under her. "Nothing, it's just a book." With that bend over and look her in the eyes.

"If it's nothing, then let me see." She shakes her head. So I do the only thing I see fit, I pick her up. She yelled as I did it, and I grabbed the book.

She reached for it, but fails as I expected my arm and hold her in 1 arm and use 1 leg for support. "Give it back!" "I will, I promise" she glared at me.

I slip off the cover to see the book I read a bit of in her apartment. "Blake, I know you read this." I say, it didn't seem to bad from the bit I read.

Her face went red, as I set her down, and I can stand easier. I hold the book with my index finger and my thumb. "What's so bad about this book?" I ask, she just looks away, and picks up the cover.

"I'm just embarrassed about reading it is all." I look at the book, front and back, "this is a smutty book, isn't it?" She just turned a new shade of red.

"O-of course not!" I chuckled, "here's your book back". She grabs it quickly, and hold it closer. She glares at me, a bit playfully, but mainly a bit embarrassed.

I flashed a smile, and hugged her. "Did I make you mad?" I ask, playfully, she nods her head, "yes, yes you did." "Can you forgive me?" She sighed, and hugs back, "fine." I try to separate, but she keeps hugging me.

"You're warm." I chuckled. "I know, I was literally on fire at the gym." She says nothing and just hugs me. "Blake, do you want to lay down on me and read?" She nods, and we sit down.

Didn't take long for her to grab her book and lay her head in my lap as I read too.

Blake POV

As I lay on Yang and read, I feel my eye lids get heavier and heavier. I yawned and set my book down. "You going to bed?" Yang asked. "No, just going to rest my eyes a bit." She rolled her eyes, and just kept on reading.

I closed my eyes, and felt the warmth coming from Yang, so guess what happened, I fell asleep.

Dream Land

Yang and I are walking through the park, hand in hand, laughing, having fun. We sat down, and I looked out at the park, covered in snow. I look over at Yang in a yellow coat, with a black scarf around her neck.

The sky went from a light blue to a dark shade, and the sky lit up with stars and the moon light shining down on us.

I look at the stars above, shining in a peaceful manner, as if there's nothing wrong in the world, as if I have nothing to worry about.

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