It ends here (final)

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Sorry, new phone so I don't have any bees, so enjoy my home screen backroad of best girl

"Kill you slowly of course " he said, his voice not above a low growl, as a condescending smirk grew on his face. Blake froze, the nightmare she had, it's coming to life, no, it can't!

"I'll break your neck before I let you lay a hand of her, so I can't die now!" Yang yelled back in response, smoke spewing from her mouth as her eyes started to turn more and more black.

Adam stood in front of Yang, a red knife is his hand, as he slowly raised it up, as his smirk fell. "Tell me, Yang, do you remember this blade, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't" he said, as both Blake and Yang started to remember that day.

"YOU BASTARD, I SWEAR TO THE GODS THAT I'LL GET US OUT OF HERE AND YOU'LL EITHER DIE OR ROT IN JAIL!" Blake exclaimed, getting the rag out of her mouth.

"Cat, shut the fuck up, or do you want me to repeat some history?" "I'll fucking KILL YOU!" Yang yelled out, breaking the rope that had once kept her tied to a chair. "Great, the dragon's up!" Adam said as he faced Yang, her eyes now once again black, as horns started to grow a tail as well.

Adam backed up, a blank stair on his face, as he slowly walked towards Blake, "my dear, watch what you make me do, watch as yet another person, had to die because of you, because you're to weak to do anything, but don't worry, I'll make sure to fix that once she's out of the way." He said, placing the blade under her chin, tilting her head up, hate, pure hate in her eyes.

"I-I don't want anyone else to d-die!" Blake said, her voice wavering with sadness. Yang started to walk towers them, reaching for Adam as she felt a chain connected to the ground pull. She looked down seeing a cuff on her ankle, keeping her from going to far.

"I know love, I know, but because of you, she has to die, she's going to suffer, because of you, but I'll help you once she's gone, once she's gone, she can't weaken you anymore, and everything, everything, will be perfect!" His voice was smooth, but very much like venom. "You BITCH, BLAKE IS AMAZING, KIND, AND LOVING, SHE'S THE STRONGEST AND BRAVEST PERSON, I KNOW!" Yang yelled, reaching for them, as she tried to get her foot free.

"Now watch, this is what happens when you defy me dear, when you, aren't strong enough to do anything." Blake shook her head, trying to break the chain keeping her down. "No, no Adam, please, I'll stay here, I'll do anything, please don't kill her!" Blake begged, as he took the blade away, walking towards Yang.

He switched the blade from facing forward, for backwards. Yang kicked her leg again, trying to get her ankle free, as the metal plate loosened more. Adam quickly drew the blade up attempting to slash Yangs abdomen, as she jumped back.

Blake looked around the room, trying to find anything, as she saw a loose screw. She started trying to unscrew it, she needed to get out, she needed to help Yang!

Yang threw a punch, as it almost hit the bastard, he used the knife and cut her forearm. Yang let out a his of pain, as she brought her arm back throwing another punch with her robotic arm, landing a hit on his temple, expecting him to fall.

Adam turned his head to Yang, a snarl places on his face, throwing the knife into Yangs human arm, she let out a scream of pain. "YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN!?" Adam demanded, a psychotic smile spreading across his face.

He ripped the knife out, as he kicked Yang in the abdomen, sending her flying back. "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you and truly take everything from Blake!" He yelled, as Yang chuckled. "What are you laughing at!?" "There's nothing else for you to take, the last thing you could take, she already gave to me!" Yang said, as the smile once on Adams face turned into an angry expression.

An unlikely pair (Blake x Yang)Where stories live. Discover now