Chapter 1: April fools day

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"I never thought i would say this but i wish the clock would go slower" lincoln thought to himself. He sat in his 8th period math class thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow is april fools days, luan's  favorite holiday. Even though lincoln was 16 now he was still afraid of his older sister on that particular day.

"Come on loud you gotta think of something. Here we are another year of pranking and you don't have a strategy?"

The teenager clenched his fist in frustration. At that moment his phone began to go off. The teacher and the other students turned their attention to the adolescent. Lincoln blushed followed by a nervous chuckle.

"Ha ha mr lake can i take this out of in the hall?" he requested. Mr lake nodded his head. Lincoln promptly stood up from his desk.  He then Made his way to the door with eyes still trained on him.  He left the classroom shutting the door behind him. Lincoln sighed with relief as he took out his phone from his pocket. The caller  ID displayed the name edgar lee. "Oh my god not this chick  again how the hell did she get my cell phone number?"  He groaned. Lincoln pressed accept then put the phone up to his ear.

"Why if it isn't  lincoln loud how's my longtime friend"

"I'm doing good Edgar how did you get my number but most importantly what do you want?"

"Don't you worry about that i just wanted to say hi ha ha"

Edgar gave a sinister sounding  laugh.  Lincoln didn't reply to her response he just  hanged up.  He put  it back in his pants pocket. The person who just called was a girl named edgar lee she is what one would label as a delinquent or a punk. Edgar hung around with a bad crowd  that smoked,steal,skip school and broke rules in addition laws on occasion. The loud boy had a large group of friend but somehow she became part of it.
Lincoln ran his hands through his hair. The stressed out loud started to walk down the hall. He picked up the pace when  he  turned the corner. Lincoln saw a boys restroom upon seeing it he quickly ran inside. The teen rushed into one of the empty stalls . Lincoln lock it then proceeded  to sit on the toilet seat.  The lad buried his face in the palms of his hands.

"Damn it why me? Things can't possibly get worse" he let out a sigh of despair.

"Oh but it will little brother" a familiar  female voice replied. Lincoln immediately took his face out of his hands. His eyes grew gigantic  a look of terror appeared on his face. "No,No fuck no this can't be fucking real?"  lincoln cursed unlocking the stall door. He opened the door coming face to face with his older sister luan loud.  Luan did not changed that much over the years. Now age 20 she no longer had her hair up in a ponytail it went past her shoulders. she worn purple eyeshadow. Ironically the comedians clothing style never really  evolved either luan still wore a white shirt with a yellow checkered shirt. The 20 year old women gave a sadistic smile at the speechless lincoln.

"What cat got your tongue linc ha ha" she laughed.

Lincoln tried to find the correct words to articulate. To him this woman was insane. If you actually think about it having a individual  come to your school, wait in the bathroom for you and insanely laugh at you isn't what you call normal. Luan went to extreme lengths to get her message across but not like this. This time she crossed. Lincoln at this point  was really did starting  to question her mental state.

"Lu-lu-luan wh-what are you doing here?" he stuttered. Luan smirked then proceeded to give a explanation.

"Oh little brother  you know why im just here. I just came  to tell you how im planning to start off april fools in the loud house. 9 people will be unlucky but 1 will  lucky".

The young brunette giggled. This made the poor terrified  youth sick to his stomach.

"Luan listen to me  i dont think your well!"

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