Chapter 5: loving you is complicated

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Luan opened her eyes to  see she was looking up at the morning sky. The 19 year old laid in the grass with empty vodka bottles laying next to her.

"Ah fuck what happened last night" luan moaned as she got up rubbing her temples. Her hangover made it almost impossible for her to think clearly. The brunette looked down to see the empty alcoholic beverages laying on the ground.

"Oh yeah !" Luan let out a regretful sigh. The scene flashback to yesterday afternoon. Luna  had just arrived home from sam's house. She had a smile on her face  the reason  being is because  luna didn't have work neither did her girlfriend. They jammed from 6am to 4pm.

" Brah that was a good session with my babe we even learned how to play werewolves of london in just one hour" luna said to herself while she walked up onto the porch with her guitar in hand. She opened up the door to find that all of her sisters were standing at the bottom of the stair with awestruck faces.

"Ahh hey dude what's going on" luna wondered. Lynn turned to her  and answered her question.

"Well i think luan snapped" lynn repiled. The young musician raised a eyebrow at her sister answer.

"What you mean she snapped" said luna.

Lori  began to explained what happen.

"Well about 10 minutes ago  we were all sitting on the couch just watching jerry springer. Until luan came down stairs  she didn't say nothing to us. We all didn't think nothing of it until  we heard a loud noise followed by screaming from the kitchen" the eldest loud  informed.

"Did she have a mental breakdown" luna suggested.

" I think so because luan was screaming stuff like you did this, look what you did or i wish i was never born. She was saying things like that. When we all went to investigate we discovered what she broke" lori added.

" It was mr coconuts. She had smashed the puppet to the point of beyond repair" lynn stated in a ashamed tone of voice. Luna  didn't know what to say this was a huge red flag. Luan loved that thing as if it was a real person for her to just break wasn't right. Sure she messed up with  the whole accidentally giving lincoln a heart attack but  at least she didn't put him in the ground. 

"Maybe i should go talk to" she suggested walking passed her sisters and up the stairs. When the 20 year old made it up top of the steps she immediately rushed to her bedroom that she shared with her comedic sister. When luna got to the door she found luan laying down on the floor with ashe tray beside her while she smoked a cigarette. She was flabbergasted at sight of her younger sister smoking. Luan made it very clear in the past that she hated the smell of cigarette smoke. In addition vowing  never to put her lips on the end of a cancer as long as she lives. But  the rock n roller didn't think that was the case anymore.

"Um lu-luan  um when did you started smoking cigs" luna nervously asked. The prankster took a break from puffing on the coffin nail to look at her sister for a second before glancing up at the ceiling then blowing out a puff of smoke.

"Well miss rolling stone wanna be if you must know the answer i started today. To be accurate 9 o'clock this morning" luan jeered. Luna's heart skipped a beat when luan let out the short  pretend laugh. She was used to her clown of the sister's wide smile following her belly laugh.

"I heard what you did to mr coconuts. Um mind telling me why you did it"  luna nervously asked.  

"Oh fuck brah, you mind me calling you brah or dude since you call everyone all the damn time.  I did it because it symbolized the times when i use to laugh and pull jokes. It drove me crazy it reminds me of the moment i lost my brother" Luan explained in cold manner.  Luna mouth drop open in shocked.

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