Chapter 12: The shadow in the mirror

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I again, woke up to the other side of the bed being empty. My boyfriend is working his fingers to the bone, like he always does. I was starting to hate him for it, he's never at my side anymore. I guess the phrase married to your job is accurate, well in my case it is. I turned my head towards the window, Rain, I saw nothing but rain.

I didn't even bother getting out of bed to go to work, I called in sick an hour ago. I was starting to think that moving out of the house was a mistake. However, I couldn't go back home, even if I wanted to. I caused so much damage to my family. Plus, it wouldn't be the same without my little brother there. I think the big wake up call was when my sister Luna, grabbing me up and threatening to beat me up. April fools, I now hate the holiday with a passion.

Flash back:
I wasn't always like this, I was a regular child growing up. When it came to comedy, I seem to have a knack for it. Nonetheless, it had some more things to offer for the performer, besides jokes and pranks. One of the other options to choose from was Ventriloquism. The first dummy I ever got was a soldier type guy, his name was Colonel Crackers. I had some fun with him, only for a short time. Christmas came around, I must have been three or four years old at the time. I got a new puppet as a gift, I took it out of the box and examined it. The doll had big eyes and pupils, it had a huge orange pompadour and big dimples with freckles on his cheeks. I also got a set of clothes to go along with my dummy. The attire I got had the following. A yellow barber hat, a light blue buttoned jacket, blue pants and a pair of yellow boots. I liked the clothes ,regardless, I felt like something was missing. Then it finally dawned on me, i had a little red bow tie on my white shirt. I took it off and added it to the pile of small clothes. The last thing I had to do was give it a name, sadly I wasn't a pro at coming up with names on the spot. I looked around the room to get some inspiration for a name.

"Hey Luan." A voice greeted me from behind, I turned around to discover it was Lori, with a smile on her face. My older sister wore a white dress, it looked similar to that famous white dress Marilyn Monroe wore in that picture of her underneath a vent. Lori had a santa hat on as well.

"Hi sis." I replied back with a smile.

"Having trouble coming up with a name?" Lori smirked as she confidently put her hands on her hips. Its was funny, Lori always saw right through us, well, most of the time. I nodded my head yes at her assumption.

"Hmmm, well, how about Mr Coconuts? Ha ha, you see, his pupils look like Coconuts." Lori suggested. I glanced back at my puppet to see she was right, they do look like coconuts. I giggled at the comparison. I made it official, I gave him the name, Mr Coconuts. flash forward months later, i was now deeply immersed into the field of comedy. I needed to make a name for myself, but I had to find a way to get a start.

I heard a tapping sound,no, it sounded more like more like knocking. I sat up to check my surroundings to see where it was coming from. Nothing, I saw absolutely nothing, I was the only one in the room. I let out a loud whine thinking it was Judas.

"I swear, that demon is pushing his luck." I muttered.
I laid back down, I didn't even want to leave the house, let alone get up. I ruined my life in one day, in just one day.

I, a young child had a plan. A plan to be a comedic legend. I practiced my jokes nonstop. First, I practiced in the mirror then with my siblings and even with the house pets. I found out days after performing for the animals, the bowling alley was having an open mic event. I was over the moon, this was my chance. A week later, my grandpa,who I call Pop Pop, took me to the bowling alley. Surprisingly enough, he and his friends were going bowling on that day. We arrived at the place, I repeatedly thanked my grandpa for taking me with him. I followed behind him, holding Mr Coconuts in my arms. I thought I should take him just in case. Once inside, I saw that the place was packed. There was stage that was built near the entrance.

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