Chapter 11: Standing by the wall

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     I hung out with edgar in her room. She sat on her bed, while I sat on the floor. Ed told me i was allowed to sit on her bed, but I felt  like that wasn't a good idea. The reason being is that the door was wide open and her mom was in the living room, I wasn't going to take a risk.

"So lincoln i got make something clear, no pet names. Me calling you snow bunny is acceptable,since, well, i been calling you that for a long time." My girlfriend explained to me. I sighed, laying my back on the floor, I totally get what edgar meant, lori and bobby do that all the time, its so annoying.

"Gotcha babe." I replied. I woke this morning with a feeling of guilt. I kept wondering, did i mess her head up even more?  I  kept saying to myself, If I would have just answered one of her calls, maybe I wouldn't have made it worse. If i can't save my sister, how could i be able to save my woman?

"Are you still mad at me? You know, for ignoring you,when you tried to call to apologize." I asked, feeling too ashamed to look at her.

"No,lincoln im not mad, i forgave for everything." Edgar told me in an optimistic tone. However, her response didn't make feel any better. I noticed a red apple appear in her hand,edgar turned to me with a sinister looking smile.

"Snow bunny, you will do anything for me right?" She asked me, at the same time examining the apple. I put two and two together, She wanted me to eat the apple.

"Ed,this is not funny. I know what you want me to do!" I stated. Edgar raised an eyebrow at my claim,She giggled before doing something I thought was, well, kinda morbid. I saw her turn into a black boa snake.

"Holy shit!" I screamed. I quickly got up from the floor, don't get me wrong i don't have problem with snakes. What i had a problem with is, a talking snake i know for a fact  is a demon. I saw her eyes in this form, they were green and beautiful. I didn't move a muscle, i didn't know what to do. Edgar slithered up my leg up to my shoulders. When she spoke to me it wasn't through her mouth, it sounded like edgar was speaking to me in my head.

"Come on baby, just eat the apple." She begged. 

"Look, it not that i won't do it for you it just that, your now a snake. The last time a talking snake talk to a human, sin came into the world." I retorted. I thought about what I just said and it made me feel bad for some reason.

"I promised, I would never bring harm to ever again linc. Just trust me." Edgar promised, licking my cheek with her forked tongue. I thought that was weird,then it hit me, she was kissing me on the cheek. I glanced at the apple on the bed. I decided to take a chance, so I grabbed it.

   I put it up to my face, almost forgetting edgar was still resting on my shoulders. I immediately sunk my teeth into the fruit. I took a huge bite and  quickly ate it. I checked myself to see if I have changed as a result of it, everything was normal. I felt edgar slither off my shoulders down onto the floor. She transformed back to her normal form, a girl with green hair that I love so much.

"Good little loud." She said with a sexy smile. I just stood there with experiancing the biggest mind fuck of my life.

"Now, since you have shown your loyalty to me, I will give you a task hun." Edgar explain putting both of her hands on my shoulders.

"Whats... whats the task?" I Nervously questioned.

"I want you to pick me up from my clubhouse at midnight." She told me. Alarm clocks started going off in my head.

"Midnight, why midnight?" I wondered.

"It's quiet lincoln,  at that time of night is full of mystery. Besides, it's not your place to ask about  your master about her plans." I felt her grip on my shoulders tightened. I look into edgar's eyes, they were the same as last night when I came home, glowing red. My girlfriend gave me a hateful look as if i killed her family. This was not normal, this keeps happening to her. I starting to think im the cause.

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