Chapter 6:Sympathy for the devils grandaughter

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First things first i hope your enjoying the book so far.  Second this chapter was based off a creepy pasta called pogo.  Third i don't know  just if you liked,enjoyed,loved this part please leave a vote or a comment.

I  wouldn't say i had a perfect life matter of fact i didn't. My name is edgar allen lee and im currently 17. What were you expecting some shit like my name was edgar allan poe. Well sorry to break it to you i'm not a writer let alone a dude. Yes i'm a female more importantly a demon. My parents were and still are demons from hell. My mother's father is the all powerful lucifer or satan, but to me i called him by a different name, it is grandpa. Moving on with the story my mom's name is annabelle the weird thing is my mom never had a last name she was called annabelle similar to how my grandfather is just called satan. Demons in hell can also have last names if they requested one. There was this particular devil called allan lee. Ah my dad, my father. Who knew i would soon grow a hatred for the damn man. My mother wasn't born like others hellish creature but was created. she was made a german for some odd reason. Maybe gramps liked germans  i could see why. They have a cool accent, their language is interesting. My dad on the other hand was british demon. But anyways back to my story, my parents married young to be specific age 16. They afterward decided to live on earth. I love my mother with a passion but dad on the other hand i despised. What i hated most about him was his stupid white hair and his chipped tooth.  So a little bit of information about me, I was born on earth that's part obvious. The location berlin germany. My mom thought it would be like the perfect place to live. My family knew the language  well only my mother,brother and me knew the german language. My father was taught himself german amazingly he spoke it fluently in only one year.
My older brother  was 3 years older than me. His

name is judas. He wasn't a traitor, actually he had a personality not to mention behavior of a saint. Hell take away the demonic traits and judas could be considered angel. My dad loved judas more than me sadly. Allan hated my guts with a passion for some reason i will never know the answer to. Allan  lee was not a good man. He would demand stuff, scream and yell not mention throw things. He even became physical with his own wife and daughter. The earliest memory of my fathers abuse was him talking down to my mother like she wasn't worth to spit in his direction. He called her on a daily basis the most filthiest names under the sun. For example he would call my mom a whore if dinner was
late. If she got something right like a question on jeopardy. Allan would scream at my mom saying  she cheated afterwards calling her a dumb bitch. I wasn't spared the name calling  either unfortunately. My dad's nicknames for me were not pleasant. They went along the lines of scum, ingreat, disappointment, filth or a dirty pest. What made me even angrier was that my asshole of parent did not do that to his pride and joy judas. No  if there was a situation where judas fucked up like throwing a rock or baseball at a neighbors window car. Or got a big fucking F on a report Judas would get a stern talking to by dad, nothing more nothing less. While  me on the other hand if i did something a petty as accidently break a vase or use a cuss word let's just say it never ended well. The belt was the perfect punishment in allen's  eye. The bastard alway wore  a belt that had on each end a silver hawk talon. I hated that fucking belt so much. For one the worthless son of a bitch wore it so proudly. The other reason was it felt so cold , so sharp and painful when it hit my bare skin. For some reason it hurt worse when the talon hit my hands when i tried to protect myself from the beatings. My mother wasn't a pushover not at all. She always spoke her mind in addition could fight back if needed. But when it came to her husband  good old mommy annabelle the daughter of the great and powerful lucifer himself was submissive and scared of my dad. I know what your thinking, you guys are demons you guys aren't even alive why are you scared to get hurt? Well let me tell you something every creature evil or good. Alive or dead in the afterlife have same feeling of emotions they had on earth. For example all the damned souls still feel bad emotions and  bad feelings they experienced in life. People in heaven feels joy and happiness. But anyways from the moment i could talk and walk i was scared of my dad. The day i turned 12  my feelings of terror transformed into pure hate. There was  a rabbit that used to visit my family garden every day. It was a white rabbit its hair was soft and fluffy. When i picked up the rabbit  i  saw the fur on its stomach was black. But the rest of the rabbit's fur was pure white. The white reminded me of  snow in the winter my favorite session. So i gave it a name I named it snow bunny. About the week after naming the rabbit i discovered it was a boy. Everyday before i would leave for school i would give him a carrot. I thought it was cute when he nibbled on the huge carrots i gave him. Everynight i before i  would go to bed  i would see snow make his way into to the garden. I would give him a carrot.  I did this for about 6 or 7 months  and let me tell you that those months was  the best period of time in my life i could  say that i was truly happy. But sadly it ended terribly .  It was a friday afternoon. I loved friday's because the next day was the weekend. I happily walked into my house  throwing  my book bag down by the door. I next entered the kitchen still with a smile on my face. When my eye caught sight of the kitchen table my jaw dropped open in shock. The sight made me sick to my stomach. What i saw was snow lying dead on the kitchen table. "No,No,No snow" i shouted as i started to cry. I went over to snow as i desperately  tried to wake him  not wanting believe  he truly dead.  "You little pest. You don't deserve happiness ha ha". My eyes grew wide like saucers when i heard that statement coming from a familiar voice. It was my dad's voice. He said his comment  in the most coldest , heartless, cynical tone i have ever heard. I didn't give that bastard the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Later that evening i buried my pet who was my best and only friend. It was raining but i didn't care i was too angry. I luckily had a shoebox lying around in my room. I picked a lot of red roses from the garden. I surrounded my deceased pet with the beautiful red flowers. I dug a hole about five or four feet deep. The rain began to come down harder as i paused to  take one finally look at snow. He seem to be at peace, i envied him. He didn't have to worry about pain,suffering or any abuse from others no longer. But me i had to continue on living with that mother fucker allan.  I do unless i did something about it and i did. I put the shoe box cover on then cautiously proceeded to put the box in the ground. Next i picked up the shovel and began putting the dirt back into the hole. I took my time burying snow.  After i put the last pile of dirt in the hole
i laid a carrot on his grave. I thought of the things my father did to me. I had no good memories of him. I hated the fact that my mother lied to my grandfather, saying everything's okay.  I mean he is the devil, he had the ability to read minds and other supernatural shit. The reason he didn't use it on my mother to see of she was telling the truth is a mystery to me. " It's time i end the madness once and for all" i said to myself. I reached into my pocket taking  out my phone. I dialed in a number i memorized a long time ago but never called. I pressed call  next put the phone up to my ear as  i heard on the other line pick up.

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