Chapter 8: cold shoulder

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This took me two to three attempt to write a another chapter specifically this one. So i hope you enjoy this chapter if you did. Well lets be real you know what im going to say ha ha

Luan was once again alone at home. Benny was at work late again so she had down time to do absolutely nothing. She yet again slipped into one of her depressive moods. Luan was wearing black a shirt and pants. The young woman had a bottle of gin in her hand. Her hair was let down and in a mess. For the millionth time the voice of her little brother echoed through her head. Luan let out a loud bloodcurddling scream before taking a swig of her booze. Luan turn to the corner to see a mirror that her boyfriend been meaning to move. She saw the sight of  of a broken soul with gin bottle in her hands. Luan's face changed into a angry scowl. The comedian hated what she had become and it was all  because of stupid,dumb, reckless prank.

" It's all your fucking fault you just had to pull a prank" luan screamed at the mirror. Surprisingly her reflection replied back.

"It wasn't my idea it was yours.  I don't know why your screaming at me, i mean chasing your brother with a gun haha psycho much"  it reflection mocked her.  The brunette got up from her chair without warning threw the bottle of grin at the wall. The liquor bottle shattered on impact.

"Your the psycho, you aint shit all you do is fucking talk make things worst. Your the reason why lincoln left. you promised you protect him. Your a sick, selfish,cynical, sinister and evil person. Your not funny i hate you i hate you" luan screamed at her doppelganger who was now smiling sinsterly at her.

"Those are the reasons why your brother hates you haha do you get it?" her twin started to laugh maniacally at her which made luan even more furious. Without warning she rammed her fist through the mirror. Her eyes grew wide as she realised what she had done. Luan began to feel the intense pain while she stared at her blooded cut up fist.

"Ow My fucking hand ow ow" luan whined as tears trickled down her face. The 19 year old dropped to her knee holding her injured hand. A few moments later  luan heard the door opened. Thinking it was benny she got up making her way out of kitchen to meet him. Once luan entered the living room she discovered it wasn't her boyfriend but judas. Judas mouth dropped open at the sight of luans  bloodied hand.

"Luan what the fuck did you do" he asked in a concerned tone of voice.

"I.. punched mirror  my reflection what making fun of me so" luan trailed off. Judas took a step further catching a whiff of her breath that reeked of alcohol.

"Oh my god luan have you been drinking" he questioned. Luan gave a disturbed smile and replied with

"Yes i think i had two bottles of gin i don't really remember" she giggled. The laughter soon turned back into crying.

"Luan don't worry everything's gonna be okay" judas said inspecting her hand.

"Thank god theres no glass stuck in your hand. But we should clean it just to be on the safe side" he  suggested. The two made their way into kitchen luan took a seat back at the kitchen table while Judas went over to the sink turning on the water.

"Luan come over here" judas told her. The teary eyed brunette got up  making her way over to the sink. She  ran her hand underneath the cold water.

"Jeez what the hell is wrong with you? Why on god's green earth would you punch a mirror. I know i wasn't here but i know for certain. your reflection wasn't talking to you it was a delusion" judas scolded her. Luan sniffled feeling more ashamed of her actions.

"I know judas but i don't know what to do about my life at the moment. I lost my little brother forever. I'm slowly coming to terms with that.  i destroyed something beautiful thing" she stated. This immediately caught the demons attention as he turned off the sink.  Judas snapped his fingers making a box of sterile gauze pad appear on the table. Luan went back to the table taking a seat.

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