Prologue Part 2

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The friendship did stick. They were the only friendship between Slytherin and another house, but neither cared. Hiccup didn’t even care when Ron gave them dirty looks passing them in the hallway. They had two classes together, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. They spent every minute of the classes together, because that was some of the only time they could.

Merida, meanwhile, had built up a very intense rivalry with Jack, as he much preferred being called. Not only were they Gryffindor and Slytherin, but they were polar opposites, even worse than Harry and Ron and Malfoy’s hatred of each other. Hiccup watched when they collided in the corridors, as when they started yelling at each other they were very amusing. Rapunzel wasn’t quite friends with any of them, but was slightly more friendly to Hiccup than the others.

It was a normal day when it happened. Hiccup and Jack were laughing with each other again when Merida purposely walked by and knocked Jack to the ground. “Watch where you’re going!” he shouted furiously. Hiccup wished he had some popcorn.

“Yeah, whatever,” she said dismissively in her Scottish accent.

“Whatever yourself, flamehead,” he muttered, gathering up his books.

Hiccup really wished he had some popcorn. He could practically see the sparks flying from Merida. She hated being called “flamehead,” and Jack said it all the time. Rapunzel had now stopped to watch, as well.

Merida turned to Jack, who was glaring at her. They were only a short distance from each other. Hiccup decided to take a few steps back. Merida slowly stomped toward Jack, who pulled out his wand. She smirked and suddenly punched him.

He jerked back and looked rather surprised. “I’m not going to hit a girl,” he said.

Merida’s smirk widened and he was hit again. The entire courtyard had now turned to watch. “If you insist,” Jack said angrily.

Rapunzel lurched forward and grabbed his arm. “Stop it!” she yelled.

Seeing approaching danger, Hiccup jumped in and pried her off. “Jack, just let her go,” he muttered. “She’s not worth it.”

Merida aimed for him but he ducked just in time. She hit Jack again.

“One hit?” the boy said pleadingly.

“One,” Hiccup agreed. Jack landed a solid punch to her arm. Merida’s hair leapt up for a second as though electrified. Rapunzel stood firmly between them. “Stop it,” she said. “You’re going to get in some serious trouble.”

The two continued to glare daggers at each other. Without warning, Jack suddenly burst out laughing. Everyone looked to him, surprised.

“What?” Hiccup asked.

“Her hair,” Jack choked.

Merida’s hair, in fact, had barely come down after Jack had hit her. It was flying in all directions. Hiccup chuckled, and even Rapunzel couldn’t help it. Merida pulled out a small mirror and looked at it. She growled. “Ugh! This -- hair -- is -- so -- stupid!” she grunted each time she ran her fingers through it to calm it down.

Jack laughed harder than ever. Hiccup thought he was going to fall over. Merida turned to him. “You want it? Here --” She swung it in his face. He spat it out. Suddenly all four of them were on the ground, unable to speak.

And from that moment on, they were friends. They were the only friendship in Hogwarts that stretched to all four houses. The only one ever.

I told you it wouldn't be half as long.

Well, anyway, I know that was a lame fight and a lame way to make them friends, but that's all I could come up with. Tell me what ya think!


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