Chapter Five: Dragons

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Complete silence filled the hall. Rapunzel's brain was racing.


But Harry was too young...

But he can't deny the Goblet of Fire...

Hadn't he wanted this, though?

How did he get his name in?

Did he get his name in? Or did someone else put it in for him?

Did he ask someone to put it in for him?

Or did someone put it in without him knowing?

Did they want to give him a chance? Did they want to test him, see what he could do?

Or do they want to see if he'll die in the tasks?

This last thought sent a chill down her spine.

"I didn't put my name in," Harry said helplessly to Ron, Hermione, and Merida. "You know I didn't."

But then how did his name get in? Merida wondered.

She didn't feel remotely like staying for the massive Gryffindor party that would definitely be taking place; she went straight to the girls' dormitory.

The next day passed without much incident, except the champions had to go to the weighing of the wands (at least, that was what Merida thought it was called). She was on her absolute best behavior during Potions, but it was still her that Snape poisoned. She thanked every single god she could think of that she was unwittingly subjected to Hermione's perfect antidote.

Two weeks passed uneventfully. The next Hogsmeade visit was announced, and that made everyone's day. Hogsmeade was an all-wizard settlement just outside of Hogwarts, and third years and above were allowed to visit. As soon as Hiccup saw the notice he knew he was going. It would be a good opportunity to hide from Merida, Rapunzel, and Jack, and avoid their questions.

Finally the day arrived. He made sure he was first outside, getting probably two hours of sleep to ensure it. In the village, he found the Three Broomsticks pub and a corner table, where he sat alone and watched the people come and go. His eyes closed, he rested, unable to sleep with the noise steadily increasing. Then he heard Hermione in the table right next to him. He opened his eyes and shifted nervously.

"I look like such an idiot, sitting here on my own," she muttered. "Lucky I brought something to do."

She pulled out a notebook.

"You know, maybe I should try and get some of the villagers involved in S.P.E.W.," she said thoughtfully. Hiccup blinked. Was she talking to herself?

"Yeah, right," said Harry's voice, and it clicked. Harry was wearing his Invisibility Cloak. Merida had learned about it in their third year. "Hermione, when are you going to give up on this spew stuff?"

"When house-elves have decent wages and working conditions! You know, I'm starting to think it's time for more direct action. I wonder how you get into the school kitchens?"

"No idea, ask Fred and George."

A few minutes passed. Hiccup watched Hermione work in the notebook. He wasn't even sure what she was doing.

He remembered something from the night before. He was so tired, he could barely remember it at all. But as soon as the image flashed through his brain he knew that Harry needed to know. He slid into the chair opposite Hermione. "What's that you have there?" he said, trying to prevent himself smiling at Hermione's surprised face.

Her face brightened and she launched into a long-winded explanation of an organization she had begun to give house-elves fair treatment. Quietly, so that she wouldn't hear over her own speech, Hiccup said, "Harry, meet me behind Hagrid's cabin at midnight tonight."

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