Chapter Six: The First Task

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Alert: don't call Hiccup the Dragon Conqueror. I don't recommend it. Just sayin'. (Lol)

Also I'm kinda in a lull for ideas -- slight writer's block. Don't blame me for a short and/or poor chapter.

For the next few days, Hiccup told Harry most of what he knew about dragons and training them. At the same time, Harry was working with both Moody and Hermione (Ron had turned his back on him). Merida could see the intense stress building up on him. Finally, the day before the task, Hiccup suspected he had finally gotten through to Harry in a way that taught him to definitely not do anything to harm the dragon or threaten it. Merida watched Harry and Hermione as Harry got the Summoning Charm mastered -- this was part of Moody's plan. Harry was to summon his broom from the castle and use it to do what was required.

It was during lunch when Professor McGonagall came to get Harry. As soon as lunch was over, everyone left in a hurry to see the task. Hiccup lagged behind and, when everyone else was gone, ran over to the champions' tent. He listened with his ear to the canvas and heard nothing. He found a seam and looked inside cautiously. Harry, fortunately, was nearest him. "Harry!" Hiccup hissed.

Harry jumped. "Hiccup," he said, sounding relieved. "What are you doing here?"

"What dragon did you get?" Hiccup said immediately. He made sure he was completely out of sight of the other champions.

"The Typhoomerang," said Harry nervously. He pulled a small figure of a Typhoomerang from his robes.

"Whoa," Hiccup breathed, looking at the miniature dragon. "Never seen that before. Anyway, remember, this one is the one that breathes fire. Not as dangerous as the Thunderdrum, which could have shot you from anywhere, but it's size and its neck gives it an advantage. Make it dizzy."

"I remember."

"And don't hurt it!"

"I'm not planning to," said Harry with a grin.

"Good luck," Hiccup said.

"Thanks," said Harry.

Hiccup went to join the others, who mercifully didn't ask any questions. He watched, not really taking anything in, as Cedric Diggory came into the arena (accompanied with screams from the other Hufflepuffs) to face the Scauldron, Fleur Delacour fought the Changewing, and Viktor Krum battled the Thunderdrum. None got try injured, although Cedric got a small burn, Fleur's skirt caught fire, and Krum got blasted halfway across the dirt. The task was to collect a golden egg from among real dragon eggs, and all three retrieved it. The Typhoomerang was released into the arena, following her eggs protectively, and Harry came in for his turn. Hiccup leaned forward in his seat.

The first thing Harry did was focus on the castle and yell, "Accio Firebolt!"

It was a moment before the broom came flying in, but when it did, Harry spiralled so high that everyone was craning their necks to see him. He dove down and dodged a jet of fire from the Typhoomerang. The crowd watched as Harry came down once more, keeping away from the flames. However, this time, the dragon did something that even Hiccup had never seen one do: she swung his head at Harry, scratching his arm with her horns. Jack, like Hiccup, was on the very edge of his seat, watching nervously. Merida groaned and Rapunzel acually screamed for him.

An idea seemed to occur to Harry, and everyone watched as he flew back and forth, the Typhoomerang staring at him, snarling. Harry elevated slightly, and the dragon's head rose with him, fully extending her neck. Harry flew higher still, and she grunted angrily. She shot more fire -- Harry dodged it. Then she began to unfurl her broad orange and yellow wings, and Harry dove.

And he rose into the air, holding the golden egg.

"Look at that!" screamed Bagman. "Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!"

Hiccup dashed off. He shook off his school robes when he was out of sight and pulled on a set of plain black ones; he pulled up the hood and darted into the arena to control the raging Typhoomerang.

The scores came from the judges: Madame Maxime, eight; Barty Crouch, nine; Dumbledore, nine; Ludo Bagman, ten (out of ten!); and Karkaroff, four.

Rapunzel watched as a woman in acid-green robes approached Harry. She recognized the woman as Rita Skeeter, a savage and rude reporter for the Daily Prophet. "Congratulations, Harry!" Skeeter beamed. "I wonder if you could give me a quick word? How you felt fecing the dragon? How you feel now, about the fairness of the scoring?"

"Yeah, you can have a word," said Harry. "Goodbye."

It seemed to the four friends that Harry had had an excellent day.They just hoped that the second task would turn out as well.

So? Huh? Huh?

Yeah, sorry. Not as good as usual... whatever. The pic is what Harry's Typhoomerang looked like.

For everyone reading, comment telling me which of my stories you like best so I know which ones to update most often :) also an original is (hopefully) coming out soon

Hey, ToothlessLover777! The chapter you've been waiting for is next!!!! :D :D :D :D :D


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