Chapter One: Triwizard Tournament

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Their first year passed, and they remained strong friends. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione saved the Sorcerer's Stone (Merida had overheard them talking about it), Jack was the only Slytherin clapping for Gryffindor, and he didn’t care about the dirty looks he got. They all passed their exams because of Rapunzel’s and Hiccup’s study habits. Jack was constantly in detention.

Their second year passed, and nothing changed. Hiccup, unfortunately, was attacked by the basilisk, revealing his Muggle-born status. Jack, Merida, and Rapunzel helped Harry and Ron find the Chamber of Secrets, but were unable to go down and help them. They all gained a place on the Quidditch teams: Hiccup as Hufflepuff Seeker, Rapunzel as Ravenclaw Keeper, Jack as a Slytherin Beater, and Merida as a Gryffindor Chaser. And, for the second year running, Gryffindor won the House Cup.

Their third year passed, and the friendship was the same. The escape of Sirius Black affected everyone, but Rapunzel most of all, because she had very nearly had to run away from home to come that year. Luckily, her mother had finally consented. Merida, through a strange turn of events, ended up in the Shrieking Shack with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew and heard the whole thing, which she relayed to the others as soon as she, Harry, and Hermione returned from saving Sirius.

And then their fourth year came.

They were receiving double the stares they usually did. Jack now had white hair and blue eyes. Rapunzel’s hair was short and brown, and she was engaged to Eugene Fitzherbert. Merida was closer to her mother than ever, her bravery had become more pronounced, and her temper was now somewhat under control. Hiccup and his father were also closer than ever, and Astrid was now his girlfriend. Perhaps the most shocking change of all: Hiccup had lost his leg. He and Astrid blatantly refused to tell anyone how it had happened when asked. Hiccup whispered something to his father just before he boarded the train. Merida leaned in, trying to be inconspicuous, but what she heard made no sense: “Send him this way when we’re gone.”

They boarded the train. Jack didn’t look back; he’d been alone. Rapunzel was talking happily to Eugene as they stepped on. Merida waved to her mother, father, and triplet brothers. Hiccup and Astrid called back to the small crowd that had gathered for them. “Who are they?” Merida asked, surprised. Hiccup had never truly been popular.

“Oh, that’s Snotlout,” he said, pointing. “Fishlegs. The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Gobber. I don’t know who they are. And that’s my dad.”

Merida couldn’t help but notice that Hiccup looked nothing like his father. At that moment, the train began moving. The four found an empty compartment; Astrid and Eugene went off to find their old friends. Hiccup stared out the window, apparently watching for something. Rapunzel was the one who started the conversation. “So, what happened to you guys?”

“A lot,” Merida whistled. When she was met with silence, she continued, “Well, mah mum wanted me to get married. I said no. She burned mah bow. I ran away. A witch made me a pastry that would supposedly change her, and it turned her into a bear. We were attacked by another mad bear while I found out how to change her back. Well, needless to say, she’s fine now.”

She was met with two stares (Hiccup was still looking out the window).

“What? You wanted to know!”

“Well, that’s definitely -- um, unique,” Rapunzel said. “My mother turned out to be a fraud. She was only using me for my hair.”

They blinked.

“Oh, I thought I’d told you. My hair was magic. It could heal anything or reverse age. Well, anyway, then I met Eugene. He was a thief back then, but he helped me to go see lanterns that my real parents launched every day on my birthday. He changed. Then my mother showed up and took me back home, but I’d spent enough time in the kingdom and realized that I was the lost princess of Corona. Yeah, I know that’s crazy, but I’m not kidding. Anyway, she kidnapped me and waited for Eugene. When he showed up she stabbed him. He cut my hair at the last possible moment and all of the age reversal I’d done for my so-called mother was undone. She basically turned to dust. Since my hair was cut, I couldn’t heal him with that, but the healing powers were still in me. I saved him by crying over him. We went to see my parents then. They’re the king and queen, and they couldn’t come to see me off.”

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