Chapter Seven: Toothless and Jack Frost

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It's time! :D

Hiccup thought he was hiding his secret well. He knew the others were suspicious, but just that: suspicious. But they, especially Jack, were more than that.

They met up at the Ravenclaw table one morning. "What are we going to do?" Merida whispered.

"We have to follow him," said Jack immediately. "It's the only way we're going to find out what he's up to."

"I'm not following him," said Rapunzel firmly. "When he wants us to know, he'll tell us."

"No, he won't," said the other two in unison.

Jack didn't care what Rapunzel said. She seemed almost unconcerned about Hiccup; Merida wasn't as curious as Jack, who cornered him again after lunch demanding answers and again walked away empty-handed.

The day passed by slowly. After dinner, Jack insisted that they drop off Merida, then Rapunzel, then Hiccup. Hiccup looked at him curiously but let him walk away. As Jack expected, the boy didn't enter the common room.

Maybe Hiccup had the most obvious secret, but Jack had a secret of his own from the summer. He turned a corner and grabbed a large stick leaning against the wall, which he had placed there just before dinner had ended. It was straight, and just before it ended, it curved upward and inward, creating an sort of "G" shape. (A/N: I couldn't find a pic to explain, if you don't know just imagine.) It wasn't very interesting at sight, but when Jack touched it, a brief area around his hand turned blue. And then, Jack actually jumped into the air and flew up to the ceiling.

Hiding among the rafters, Jack had a clear view of Hiccup as the boy came carefully down the hallway, carting a basket and wearing a strange outfit that crossed over his green shirt. Jack followed Hiccup as they crossed outside, his school robes helping him blend in with the darkness above. Hiccup suddenly broke into a sprint and entered the trees; Jack landed silently and followed. It didn't take the boys long to find what they wanted.

Something broke through the trees and loomed in front of Hiccup. It was pitch black, except for dark gray spots and light green eyes. It purred questioningly.

"Hey, bud," Hiccup said fondly. He hoisted the basket over his shoulder with a grunt. "Oof -- here's your dinner." He pushed it over with his foot, and dozens of slimy fish came cascading out. The thing grunted happily and began to feast. Hiccup walked around to its side and began to fasten something to its side. Jack jumped up into a tree and moved closer. Only then did he realize what it was: a dragon. And not any dragon, a Night Fury. "I shoulda known," he chuckled quietly. For he had heard of the Dragon Conqueror, who had lost his leg in battle. He just hadn't made the connection.

Up in the tree, he shook off his school robes, revealing a blue hoodie and tan pants. He spent a few minutes watching Hiccup and planning a way to reveal his presence. He settled on a straightforward way.

"A dragon, huh?"

Hiccup stifled his yell with his hands. "Jack," he said faintly. "You just gave me a heart attack."

Jack laughed.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" Hiccup demanded. The dragon was too busy eating to growl at Jack, but its eyes were fastened on him threateningly.

"Finding out about that," Jack replied, gestured to the dragon with his staff.

"His name's Toothless," said Hiccup coldly.

"I can certainly see why," said Jack sarcastically. Toothless had just finished eating and was snarling at Jack with a mouth full of sharp teeth. Jack could see that although the dragon was protecting Hiccup, it seemed to be slightly suspicious of Jack instead of flat-out hostile.

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