5| Not a threat

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Glenn and I stood together in a room as we could hear the voices from outside. "Maybe they know how to help?" One guy said. They talked a little longer before softly opening the door and coming inside. "Any if you know anything medical?" He asked. I shook my head and so did Glenn. They sighed and motioned for us to follow.

We did as was told and followed them into an open space where many old people sat either staring in the distance or eating. "Yo- Guillermo! They're here!" A man yelled limping off towards a black hallway. Serve you right asshole, no one messes with Daryl Dixon.

Another man came up behind Glenn and I placing bags over our heads. I started to thrash as they dragged us up stairs. "Chill it's just for show, we aren't gonna hurt ya" the man said close to my ear but loud enough for Glenn to hear.

They pulled the bags over our heads and placed Tape over our mouths and wrapping them around our wrists. They placed the bags back over our heads and up the stairs more. When we reached the roof I could feel the breeze on my arms as we were pushed further onto the roof.

When they pulled the bags off our heads my eyes widened, we were on the edge of a building. I looked down at Rick and Daryl in fear. They looked up at us as we were dragged away from the edge.

As soon as we were far enough from the edge they pulled the bags off and cut the tape that was around our wrists. I slowly peeled the tape off my mouth as we were lead back downstairs. "This is crazy shit" Glenn whispered taking a couple steps closer to me. I nodded, very crazy

When we got back downstairs everyone was rushing around, there was a man who was struggling to breathe. "Asthma Attack?" Glenn questioned and I nodded.

It took almost 10 minutes to finally find the poor mans medicine. When the man who was shot in the ass with an arrow came walking in I turned around to see Rick, T-Dog and Daryl walking in. I sighed in relief and turned around to Rick. Rick instantly pulled me into a hug "I'm glad you're okay" he whispered. I nodded and looked back to Daryl and sent him a nod which he returned.


I sighed as Rick made the trade with Guillermo. He gave away half the guns that were in the bag and we were sent in our way I walked a little ahead of everyone else. When I turned around and stopped they small group followed and I flung my hands in the air. What the actual fuck was he thinking?!

"You have away half our guns and ammo, what happened if we would have needed that?" Daryl questioned and started to walk again. I nodded towards Daryl motioning to Rick that I agreed. Rick just sighed, "I had to do what I had to do, I wasn't gonna leave Avery or Glenn in there without any of us, this is our group members were talking about" Daryl scuffed as we continued to walk towards the van.

When we were nearly at the van I fell into step with Daryl, "they didn't touch ye or anything did they?" He questioned stepping a little closer to me so no one could hear. I furrowed my eyebrows at the question and shook my head no eagerly. What the fuck Daryl.

We stopped dead in our tracks when we rounded he corner and noticed that our van was gone. "Where the hell did our van go?" Daryl said almost the same time Glenn said "who would have taken our van"

Without even thinking about it we should have known it was going to be Merle. "Merle" Rick stated annoyingly and started to walk towards the tracks. Looks like we were hitch hiking.


It had just started to go dark when we started getting closer to camp. We walked in silence until we heard many screams and gun shots coming from the direction of camp. The only voice I heard was Carl yelling for Lori. I took off running as fast as my body would let me. This can't be happening, not again.

When I got to the opening of camp I looked around with wide eyes, biters were everywhere. I pulled my pistol out of its holster and started to shoot down the dead that were making their way towards our group. I heard a grown in my ear and as soon as I turned around I was met with a corpse standing in my face chomping it's teeth trying to get to my face. I quickly pushed it off and tried to pull the trigger but all it did was click. The stupid thing was empty.

As it started making its way closer to me again it fell limp as an arrow pierced through its brain. I sighed in relief and nodded towards Daryl and pulled out my knife. I killed two more of the disgusting walking corpses and the camp was officially clear of the undead-dead.

I turned around when the RV door opened and Andrea fell to the ground where Amy was laying, she was completely covered in blood and there was a bite mark out of her neck and out of her arm. My body went stiff at the sight of the sister sibling over the now passed sister.

"Ye Okay, ye weren't bit of scratched?" Daryl asked coming over to me. I shook my head and held out my arms and spun in a circle for him to inspect. I nodded and as he walked away I quickly placed my hand on his shoulder and he turned. I mouthed a 'thank you' to him before he just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Avery!" Carl yelled and started running my way. I dropped to my knees and pulled the boy into a hug. Not wanting to let go, a couple tears slipped as I quickly whipped them away. "Thank you for coming back to us" he whispered. I smiled at him knowing he didn't expect me to answer. I stood up from where Carl was and walked to a shaking Lori and pulled her into a hug. She squeezed me tightly then pulled away. I then moved to Rick, thankfully he made it through that mess alive.

"Everyone try to get some rest, we will deal with this first think in the morning" Shane said moving over to his tent. I looked back at mine and sighed, I wasn't planning on going to sleep alone so I figured I would just sit near the fire and keep watch from the ground.

"Avery" Daryl said from over by his tent. I looked over to him to see he was waving me over. "Wanna sleep in here? I have an extra cot form Merle and I know sleeping in a tent by yourself after this wouldn't be a good thing" he explained. I smiled and nodded at him.

When I stepped inside it was surprisingly tidy, clothes were in neat piles and both cots were made. "If ye can't sleep just wake me up" Daryl said laying in the cot and slipping his boots off. I did the same thing and laid under the blankets of Merle's once cot.

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