8| Laughs

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We all sat around the table, everyone was smiling, laughing, drinking, and just have a good old time. I honestly felt like I could relax, like the world that is going on outside didn't matter.

"You know in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France" dale pointed out smiling at Lori. She placed her hand over his glass, "Well when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then" she said taking a drink of her own wine. "Whats it gonna hurt, Come on," Rick smiled looking at his wife. "Come on" he egged on. Lori shrugged and took her hand away from his glass.

Dale grabbed Carl's glass and put a small amount in as everyone cheered and watch Carl intently. Carl placed the glass to his lips and took a small sip. "Eww" he said scrunching his nose up in disgust. I did the same and grabbed the glass from him and pouring the rest into ricks cup. "You don't like wine either?" Dale asked. I shook my head frantically and took a look at Carl as he high-fived me.

"Well, just stick to soda pop there, bud." Shane chimed in. I eyed him weirdly, he's changed ever since Rick had showed up. You'd think he would be happy about his best friend being alive. "Not you, Glenn." Daryl said making my attention shift to Glenn. "What?" He asked a little taken back by Daryl's requests which caused us all to laugh.

"Keep drinking, little man. I wanna see how red yer face can get" Daryl said slightly smiling at him. I smiled in return seeing Daryl so laid back. Everyone continued to laugh at that.

Rick started to stand up clicking his glass to get everyone's attention. "It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly." Rick said. "He is more than just our host." T-dog replied causing everyone erupt in cheers. "Booyah!" Daryl yelled lifting his own person bottle of wine. "Thank you" Rick said lifting his glass to his mouth.

"So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, doc?" Shane said interrupting the cheers. Everyone fell silent as Shane turned to look at Jenner. What the hell man, we were enjoying ourselves.

I sighed and sat back in my chair annoyed. "All the- other doctors. That were supposed to be figuring out what happened" He continued. I rolled my eyes and put my head back. "Where are they?"

"We're celebrating, Shane" Rick said cutting him off. "Don't need to do this now" Rick said again now sitting down. "Whoa, wait a second. This is why we're here right? This was your move- supposed to find all the answers. Instead- we found him" he scuffs. I roll my eyes again this time Shane caught me but I didn't really care. "When things got bad, a lot of people just left. Went off to he with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted." Jenner explained.

"Every last one?" Shane said. At this point I was annoyed and started to zone out. I couldn't stand that stupid prick I want to just punch him right in the fucking nose.

"Dude you are such a buzzkill, man" Glenn said annoyed. About time someone realized it.

Everyone started to stand so I followed them, not really sure where we were going. I followed the group down a hall where Jenner was starting to talk. "Most of the facility is powered down, Including housing so you'll have to make do here. The couches are comfortable, but there are dots in storage if you would like. There's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy. Just don't plug in any of the video games, okay?"

Sophia and Carl nodded, understanding what Jenner was saying.

"The same applies, if you shower, go easy on the hot water." He said walking away. Glenn turned to look at all of us with wide eyes. "Hot water?" He stammered a smile on his face. "That's what the man said." T-dog added in.

Everyone started to make their way into rooms. I took the room across from Rick, and Lori, next to Daryl. When I made it inside I instantly headed for the bathroom needed a shower.

I turned on the water and stepped in letting the hot water make its way down my back. I sighed in relief enjoying the warm sensation.

When I finally decided I was done I stepped out and pulled on a pair of sweats and a tank top. Enjoying the comfortable clothes and clean skin. I pulled my hair into a bun and opened the door. I made my way to the Rec room where Lor, Carl, Carol and Sophia where all sat around. I smiled at them as I took a seat. We sat for a little bit until carol and Sophia decided to go to bed. "Avery, will you take Carl to his room? I'm gonna browse a little bit" Lori said smiling at me. I nodded and shook taking Carl's hand into mine.

When we made it to his room we sat on the couch. I heard a door slam, I flinched a little. I heard a finger up to Carl as I got ready to walk out of the room. I walked towards the rec room as Shane walked out and shoved passed me.

I rushed inside to see Lori, hyperventilating and crying softly. I rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. "What happened?!" I asked softly slightly rushed causing Lori to pull away and look at me. "Shane, he-he" she started to say but broke down crying once again. I pulled her into a hug and squeeze her tightly not wanting to let go. I swear I'm going to fucking kill him one of these days.

I walked Lori back to here room where Carl was already asleep. "Thank you" she whispered. I nodded and softly closed the door being her and turned to make my way into my own room. When I stepped inside Daryl was laying on the couch with the wine bottle in his hand.

I grabbed the bottle form him and tipped it back, taking large gulps of the sour, bitter liquid. "What the h- oh hey" he said sitting up "What are you doing in here?" He asked. "This is my room" I said. Tipping the bottle back again. "No, it was empty when I got here sooo it's mine" he said.

I rolled my eyes and handed the bottle back to him and laid back on the floor. "You can sleep on the couch" he said starting to get up. I shook my head no and held my hand up. Daryl sighed knowing he might as well give up. I looked at the door noticing it was still open. I stood back up and closed the door.

"You're fine, you can have the couch" I said sitting back down on the floor and taking the bottle form him again. "Why are you talking to much?" He asked chuckling at myself which caused me to laugh too. "I don't really know, I just trust you more than the others" I said shrugged my shoulder and turned putting my back against the couch. "Get some sleep" Daryl said laying back and covering his eyes with his arm.

I nodded and laid my head back as well sleeping sitting straight up wasn't the worse possible thing.

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