11| The search begins

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I looked at rick with wide eyes. "Daryl, Shane and Glenn I need you to come with me" rick said frantically. Although rick had only said those three I followed behind them. "Avery sho-" Daryl started to say but stopped once he was I was behind them following. "Never mind" Daryl said and turned back around.

We followed rick further into the woods, he stopped right next to the creek. "I left her right here, told her to stay right here" Rick explained. I searched through the amounts of brush, seeing if I could pick up her tracks.

"Could ye move to one side, yer mucking up the tracks" Daryl said causing me to snap my eyes to him as he talked to Glenn. I followed Daryl's eyes as he searched around where the ruffled leaves were.

He slowly followed the trail of ruffled leaves as I stood behind keeping watch, looking at the side of the path to see if I see anything. Nothing.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair softly, trying my best to focus on the task at hand. I couldn't.

"She was doing just fine until she got to here, she veered off that way" pointing away from the highway. I looked around on the ground, seeing the faint tracks. "She must have gotten spooked" rick butted in. Daryl nodded and continued to follow her tracks.

There were no other tracks, just the ones form Sophia. This meant no other threat had come her way. Well from what we knew exactly.

"Avery, Shane and Glenn get back to the highway before people start freaking you, let them know we're on her trail and will be back soon, keep them distracted" rick stated. I nodded and we all stopped, "be safe" Daryl said lowly so only I could hear then placed something in my hand. A second gun? Why tho.

"I'll meet ye back at the RV" he said nodded and walking off with rick. We walked quickly for a while. "Do you really think we're gonna find this little girl? Out here all alone?" Shane asked. I turned around glaring at him, how the hell can he even say that. We were going to find this little girl.

We finally made it back to the RV, carol noticed us without Sophia and started to cry. Being pulled in by Lori. "Rick and Daryl are tracking her right now, they said they would be back in a little while. Until then, start scavenging, find any useful supplies" Shane said shooing off the rest of the group before walking to some cars to scavenge for supplies.

It didn't take long for Daryl and Rick to come back. I was sat with Carl playing go fish, when I looked out to see Daryl and Rick walking up the side of the interstate. My heart dropped when Sophia was no where to be seen and they were both covered in blood.

"You didn't find her?" Carol asked, shocked to not see her daughter. "No, but we find a trail that we will pick up tomorrow" Rick reassured all of us. "Is that blood?" Carol asked, looking at the blood stains on Rick and Daryl.

"We took down a walker, he hadn't been anywhere near here" Rick said, reassuring all of us. "How can you be so sure of that?" Andrea sneered. I rolled my eyes and walked away, now wanting to listen to her any longer.

I hoisted myself up and sat on the hood of the car, near the front of the RV. The Arab had officially been fixed, we just waiting for Sophia to be found before we were to keep moving.

"What's wrong?" Daryl asked, hoisting himself next to me on the hood. I just shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to talk. "We're gonna find that little girl, I can promise you that" Daryl said. I looked over into his blue eyes, smiling softly.

Daryl and I sat silently as everyone started to get ready for bed, "Come on, let's get some rest" Daryl said hopping down and offered his hand to help her down as well.

I followed Daryl into the RV, I took my place on the bench. The sound of Carols sobs wouldn't let me fall asleep. My heart ached for her. This wasn't fair for a mother to go through.

"I can't sleep, I'm gonna go walk to highway" Daryl said standing up and looked at me. I quickly stood up, "I'm coming to" Andrea said standing up. I rolled my eyes and followed Daryl out of the RV.

We walked in silence for a whole, not sure what to say to eachother. More or less them two. "Do you really think we're gonna fine her?" Andrea asked as we stepped into the woods. I turned my head, shooting her a dirty glare. "You're just like everyone else" Daryl spat while scanning the woods slowly.

"Well she's out here on her own, with the walkers chasing her scent. It's a small chance if I'm being honest" I clenched my hands tightly, my nails digging into my palms. Stupid fucking bitch.

"I was younger than her once, lost in the woods by myself. Dad was out on another bender with some women, Merle was doing another stent in Juv. I was on my own for two weeks, nothing to eat, wiping my ass with poison ivy." Daryl explains, having my attention fully.

"I call it an advantage having all of us out there lookin for her, I got nothing. When I finally made my way back home I went right inside and made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Everyone was fine other than my ass itched of something awful. My dad nor my brother even knew I was gone. I was nine years old then. This little girl is twelve. We're gonna find her and she's gonna be just fine" Daryl continues, the last part of his worlds becoming harsh.

I snorted at the thought of little Daryl wandering through the woods itching his ass. "Whats so funny" Daryl smirked, falling into step beside me. I turned around with a small smile and pretended to itch my ass. Causing all three of us to erupt in small laughter. "Bitch" he chuckled softly hitting me upside the back of the head.

We were cut off by the sound of growling. Looking around there was nothing in sight. Until I looked up and my eyes fell on a walker hanging from the tree.

I turned around looking through the woods making sure there was nothing around as Andrea and Daryl talked. "Come on let's get back" Daryl said pushing passed me and leading us out of the woods.

**Authors Note**

Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry it's been so long! I've been working on another story that I'm trying to actual make good!

Don't hate me!

I love hearing all the feedback from all of you

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