7| The CDC

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"Alright, we have decided we are going to go to the CDC, everyone who has CB radios we will be on Chanel 40. If you get get ahold of anyone honk your horn once and we will stop" Rick explained. "We aren't going" Morales said. Everyone shot their eyes to them in confusion. "We have family in Birmingham, we are going to be with our people"

Everyone sighed saddened by the news but granted their wishes. Rick gave him a gun and a box of ammo. "Be safe" Rick said and pulled the family into a hug. I did the same hugging Morales and the rest of his family. "Alright, load up and let's go" Shane said causing us to sigh sadly not wanting to walk away from the Morales's.

I made my way to Daryl's truck after making sure everything was cleaned up and no one forgot anything. I pulled the door open and climbed in, we were getting ready to go until Rick came up to my side of the truck and smiled at us. He placed a hand on my arm that was hanging over the edge of the window. "You two be safe, if anything happens don't turn back. We will meet you there" Rick said nodding towards Daryl. "Don't ya worry, I'll keep er safe" Daryl nodded and looked to me. I smiled at him and nodded at Rick as well. He squeezed my arm and walked back to the car him, Lori, Carl, Carol and Sophia would be in.

Daryl started to drive as I just sat forward. We sat in silence, Daryl not wanting to make a sound and me obviously not talking. We had just started on our way roughly thirty minutes ago. My thoughts were cut off by the sound of hissing and a honk coming from Rick. I sighed as we came to a stop and climbed out of the truck. I was aware of my surroundings making sure none of us were getting blind sided by the undead freaks.

"I told you this hose wasn't gonna last long" dale said agitated. I pointed towards the RV and pointed to the hood. Dale quickly jogged inside and popped the hood open but came out with a sad look. "Y'all, Jim won't make it much longer. He wants to be left here" Jacqui said coming out of the RV. Everyone started to argue as I focused on the RV and trying to get it fixed for the time being.

I grabbed a flat head screw driver and tightened the now duct tape covered hose. I looked at dale and nodded towards the RV and he hopped in turned over the key. It took it two times to finally start. "You're a genius. Thanks honey" he smiled at me and I nodded making my way back to Daryl. "You gonna go say goodbye to Jim?" Daryl asked. I shrugged and turned to see Jacqui crying and kissing him on the cheek. I sighed and went against my better judgment and made my way to the group.

When it was my turn everyone else had already gone but Daryl. "Why don't you talk?" He asked choking in his words. I frowned and shrugged my shoulders. "Stay safe, Avery. This group is gonna need you" he smiled. I smiled back. "Thank you Jim, I'm sorry this has to end like this" I said quickly shocking him and he smiled up at me. "Thank you" he said closing his eyes.

I softly pat his leg and stood up walking away. I quickly climbed into the truck and finally took a breath. I need to stop. I've now talked to two people, although Jim wasn't going to make it. I still needed to stop letting people get so close to me. Daryl is an exception considering he's really the only person who I can be around comfortably.

Daryl slid into the driver seat and looked over at him. "Two times in the same week?" He questioned smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and watched as we took off towards the CDC. It wouldn't take us much longer.

When we arrived it was nearly dark. We stepped out of our vehicles and walked as a group towards the CDC doors. The shutters were down and geeks littered the ground. Rick started banging on the shutters in hopes to get someone's attention. He grabbed attention from a couple geeks that were scattered around. I grabbed Daryl's arm and pointed to the ones coming at us. He shot the ones getting to close and quickly walked to retrieve his arrow from the biters heads.

"You're killing us!" Rick yelled banging on the shutters ever more. "Fort benning is still an option! Now let's go!" Shane yelled grabbed Rick by the back of his shirt and dragging him away from the doors. Rick and Shane were still yelling at each other when a bright light came from the shutters as they opened. "Get inside!" Shane yelled shoving everyone into the building.

We stood, looking around slowly until my eyes landed on a man standing in the corner with a gun aimed at us. I quickly pulled out my gun and pointed it right at his head, ready to shoot if he decided to try anything. "What do you want!" He yelled stepping into the light. "A chance" Rick said tilting his head. "That's an awful lot to ask for these days" the man said lowering his gun but I kept my eyes locked on him with my gun pointed at him.

"You all submit to a blood test, that's the price of admission" He says. "We can do that" Rick said. The man nodded and thought for a second.

"If you have bags, I suggest going to get them now before those doors close. Once they close, they stay closed" he said. "Stay here" Daryl said and booked it for the doors. I walked towards the door to see, Rick, Glenn, Daryl and Shane running towards the cars. I sighed and turned around to see a frightened Carl cuddled into Lori. I walked over to them and smiled at them, they returned the smiled and Carl came over to me. "Are we safe now?" He asked eyes on me. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and hugged my legs.

The men were now back with us. As we made our way with him he pressed a button and elevator doors opened. "Vi- seal the enterance and kill the power up here" he said stepping into the elevator. "Rick Grimes" Rick said holding his hand out got he man. "Dr. Edwin Jenner" he stammered darting his eyes back and forth. Weird.

We all piled into the elevator, I was stood with my back against Daryl and my front pressed against Glenn's side so there was enough room for everyone. "Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl asked causing everyone to chuckle, myself included. "There were plenty left lying around, I familiarized myself" he stated turning to look around. "But you all look harmless enough, except you" he said looking at Carl. "I'm gonna have to keep my eye on you" he joked causing us to laugh again.

Jenner led us through hallways. "Are we underground?" Carol asked nervously. "You claustrophobic?" He answers. "A little" she stated. "Just try not to think about it." He said. Yeah right, if only it was that easy you prick. I'm sorry but I really don't like this guy.

"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room" he said leading us into a big room. "Welcome to zone 5" he said leading us further into the room. He started to take people's blood one by one. When it was my turn I sat in the chair and stared at him. I don't hate needles but it definitely wasn't my first choice. My palms were sweaty and shaking slightly. "Scared of needles?" He asked getting a new needle ready. I nodded my head. "It only hurts a little" he said sticking he needle into my arm causing me to flinch slightly.

"What's your name?" He asked eyeing me. I didn't answer and it was silent for a minute. "What's your name?" He asked again. "Maelin, she doesn't talk" Daryl said coming up beside me. "Well why is that?" He asked. "Clearly she ain't gonna answer" Daryl snapped and placed his hand on my arm softly to help me up. My head started to feel fuzzy and I stumbled a bit. "You okay?" Jenner asked worriedly. "She's fine, she hasn't eaten in days. None of us have" Lori said coming up beside me.

Jenner stares at me skeptical as Lori and Daryl led me back to the rest of the group.

**Authors Note**

Hey y'all!! I'm soo happy with the feedback I'm getting!!

I'm 100% open to any request for the continuation of this story as I'm not all that creative! So I would love to see how y'all would want this story to continue!

-thank you xx

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