9| And we all fall down

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I was interrupted from my peaceful sleep when I was kicked in the back of the head. I groaned and instantly grew my hand to my now throbbing head. "Shit sorry, I was turn for sneak out without waking you" Daryl said placing his hand on my head and hoisting himself up.

I scuffed and stood up with him, not bothering to change into normal day clothes. I stalked behind Daryl as we made our way down the hall and into the small cafeteria, same one as last night. I took a seat next to Lori and smiled up at her softly. She sent me a small smile as well. "Morning" Rick said coming up behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. I leaned my head back to smile up at him. "Are you hungover?" Carl asked, giving him mom a goofy look. "Mom said you'd be"

Rick pulled the seat next to me and sat down. "Mom is right" Rick smiled and semi fake smile. "Mom has that annoying habit" she joked causing me to snort at her response.

"Eggs. Powdered, but- I do em good" T-dog said holding out the good for a little too long. Glenn moaned from the side of the table causing me to chucked slightly. "Don't ever, ever, ever let me drink again" he groaned with his head in his hands.

"Hey" Shane said as he walked in. I saw Lori instantly become uncomfortable so I reached over and grabbed her hand squeezing it softly. Lori dropped the food in her hand as Shane continued to talk. "The hell happened to you" T-dog said eyeing Shane wildly. Lori stiffened and looked up at Shane who was dating a seat in front of us. I glared at Shane as he looked up at her then to me. As soon as his gaze hit mine he looked down at Lori and I's hands.

He looked back up at us without saying a word and looked away. "Mornin" Jenner said walking in and grabbing a cup of coffee. "Hey, doc." Shane said.

"Doctor, I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing—" dale stared to say. He was cut off by Jenner "but you will anyways" without when turning around to look. "We didn't come here for the eggs" Andrea said eyeing Jenner.

Jenner started to walk back to the large room where we had given blood at. "Give me a play back of TS-19." Jenner said into a small mic. "Few people ever got the chance to see this" he stated as many scans of brains showed up on the screen causing everyone to shift uneasily. "Is that a brain?" Carl asked amazed by the screen in front of him. "An extraordinary one" Jenner stated.

Jenner muttered something as the brain got larger and now covered the whole screen. He started to have it play different segments of the brain. Until it turned dark, but moments later small red flashed started in the brain stem. Everyone was mesmerized by the screen until a flash form the screen and a whole was placed through the brain as everyone gasped.

The screen and the work stations started to power down as we gathered as a group again. Everyone started to panic slightly about the face that no one had a cure. "Jenner, I know this had been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question, again..." dale said but paused. He turned towards the wall and pointed up. "That clock- it's counting down. What happened at zero?" He asked. Jenner stood slightly shocked. "The-the basement generators- they run out of power" he stammered. That's a lie.

I was slightly spaced out until everyone started to panic, Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, and Shane all went running out the door and somewhere. I shrugged and walked with Daryl back to our room. When we arrived at our room I plopped on the couch and sighed in relief at the feeling of my weight being off my feet.

The A/C shut off and I looked over at Daryl as we stepped into the hallways. Jenner came walking down the hallway and grabbed the bottle out of Daryl's hand as everyone was asking him what was going on. The guys came running back to us when we all met up together. They all continued to argue.

It wasn't until we were in the big room when Jenner started to talk. I didn't listen since I really didn't care and I just stood next to Carl focused on everything else's than the prick talking. "Everyone get your stuff, we're getting out of here! NOW!" Rick yelled as we all bolted towards the door. The doors slammed shut locking us in the room. What the hell?

"Did you just lock us in?" Glenn asked looking over at Jenner. I started to panic slightly as Carl started to cry from next to me. I bent down becoming eye to eye with the boy and pulled him into me as he cried in fear. Rick and the others continued to yell at Jenner about opening the door. Everything was starting to close in around me as I panicked even more. "Avery, Avery you needed to breath" Carol said from beside me with an arm over my shoulder.

I cling onto Carl tightly, afraid to let go. "In the even of a catastrophic failure event, a terrorist attack for example- H.I.T.S are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." Jenner explained. "H.I.T.S?" Rick questioned.

"VI define-" Jenner said. "H.I.T.S- high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives" she said. I finally broke, realized exactly what is was. I grabbed onto Lori with my free hand causing her to wrap her arms around Carl and I. Carol and Sophia started to cry from beside me as well. Daryl started to panic and grabbed an axe and started hitting away at the doors, Although it wouldn't do anything, at least he was trying. Lori and I were now stood up with Carl clutched onto both of us for dear life. Rick made his way to ya and wrapped Lori into a hug then pulling me in to join them.

I instantly wrapped them both into it and placed my face into Ricks shirt. I pulled away and eyes Daryl as he was had stopped hitting the door and was now staring at me. I pulled away completely and quickly closed the distance between us and pulled Daryl into me and gripped onto his shirt and my face was in his chest. I can't believe this, it was way too good to be true.

"Sets the air on fire" Jenner started with a manic smile placed on his lips. I clutched Daryl harder has he had on arm wrapped around my shoulders and the other places on the back of my head.

Daryl pulled away, "Go get with Lori and Carl" he said pointed it the two and rubbed my shoulder softly. I quickly made my way back to them and sat with them on the floor as the men argued with Jenner begging him to let us out. When he finally opened the door we all ran out. When I looked behind me I saw Dale, Andrea and Jacqui all stood with Jenner.

I sighed and ran with the group as they all tried to break the glass. Carol handed something to Rick as I stood watching. Before anything happened I was tackled to the ground by T-Dog who laid his body on mine as the large explosion shook the ground. "Let's go!" Rick yelled.

We all ran out of the building and I instantly ran for the tuck, when I made it inside Daryl was right behind me and jumping into the driver side of the truck. As soon as he got in Daryl shoves me to the floorboards of the truck and held his body over mine as another explosion went off causing me to flinch and the heat could be felt.

I hyperventilated as we watched the CDC engulf in flames. Daryl slid over and pulled me into his chest. "Hey, yer okay, we're okay" he whispered. Once our breathing was under control we pulled apart and watched at the group stated to pull away from the now burn to the ground building.

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