2. Sweetness

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He ended up sleeping in my room. He was such a gentleman that he insisted that I have the bed. But I feel so bad though.

I tried to have him sleep in my bed but then he went on about how he can smell me. I got embarrassed so he ended up sleeping on the floor like he wanted.

A part of the sidewalk was slightly uneven and I tripped on it. But thank god that chocolate was there to catch me in his arms.

Now blushing, I hurriedly walked to the restaurant.

When the owner/boss—a girl—saw us walk in together, she sort of gave me a look.

I looked at chocolate and he smiled at me. That made me feel better.

During my break, one of the employees called me over. Apparently my boss wants to see me.

"Yes?" I said.

"Yes?" She repeated. "How rude!"


"I'm so sorry." I apologized. "Please tell me why I am here."

"I'll get straight to the point. Did you summon chocolate?"


"He was supposed to be mine!"

Boss isn't much older than me. Apparently she's fresh out of college. But because her family is pretty rich, they bought her this restaurant.

"I still need one more soul ember before I could summon him." She counted her soul embers. "I was so close." Her frustrated face slowly turned into a light sob.

"I-I'm sorry, boss." I said, getting flustered. "I didn't know that this would happen."

I was not good at dealing with people crying.

As if answering my prayer, chocolate came in.

"Madelaine-" he stopped in his tracks and stared at the both of us.

"Chocolate..." I said. "Help me."

"What's going on?" He asked me.

"B-Boss talked about summoning you and such..." I trailed off.

"I'll handle this." He gently guided me out. "Don't worry about us." He gave me his sweet smile again.

I resumed working until chocolate came out.

"I'm sorry about all this trouble." I said.

"I should be the one apologizing." He said. "I'm giving you so much trouble, master attendant."


"O-Oh, look at the time. I better get back to work!"

Before I could walk away, chocolate gently grabbed my hand in his.

"C-Chocolate?" I said, not looking into his eyes as usual.

"No matter what anyone says or do, I will always belong to you, master attendant."

I turned to look at him for a split second. He looked serious. That alone makes me....

"I know." I said gently, giving him a small smile. "I know."

Still holding my hand, he knelt down on one knee and kissed the back of it.

Y-You can't do stuff like that, chocolate. I'm a woman that's about to get married off!

Ah, father....

"I'm home." I said to no one in particular again.

"Welcome home, master attendant." Chocolate came into my view from behind.

"Thanks." I said, looking away as usual.

Chocolate opened the door and entered after me.

"Let me take your shoes off, master attendant." He sat me down and gently slid my sneakers off. He then took my jacket and book bag off as well.

He's such a gentleman.

He noticed me staring at him and smiled as he said, "anything to keep my master attendant happy."

I have a strange feeling that my life just started moving forward again. That's weird. When did it stop? I ask myself that, but I have an inkling of when it did.

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