10. A Magical Future ☆

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Thank you for the wait! This is the final chapter of chocolate 🍫

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Thank you for the wait! This is the final chapter of chocolate 🍫

Thanks for staying and getting to the end. Also thank you lots and lots for reading my fanfics and supporting me! Thank you!!

Have a blessed day as always and I hope you enjoy this last chapter(*''*)


It's been a week since then. So far, everything has resumed back to its usual spots. I still work part-time at Satania with chocolate and everyday has been fairly good.

And today...my boss, Madelaine, dragged me to a mixer because they were short one person.

I came without telling chocolate since it was last minute. I was wearing one of Madelaine's casual tea and shorts. For some reason, it feels like I'm always wearing her clothes.

"Oh look, it's the disgusting otaku!" Someone said as soon as I walked in. "Nevermind it's Maddie's friend."

I heard laughter from around the room.

Reluctantly, I sat down as Madelaine scolded them half seriously and half jokingly. Besides Madelaine and me, two other girls and four boys that I don't know of were gathered here at this karaoke place.

"(Y/n)." Madelaine nudged me. "This duet. What do you say?"

"Sure." I said.

Since I'm here, I might as well sing.

After we sang and the others sang, we all settled down to eat. While eating, I was offered alcohol but I wasn't old enough yet so I politely refused.

It may have just been me, but every now and then I feel like I hear whispers or these people are weirdly staring at me from time to time.


"What?" I said, facing the other two girls.

"...." they ignored me.

"Are you guys talking about me?" I asked.

They stared at me, at each other, and then at me again.

"So how's it dating a food soul?" The long haired one said.

I felt myself go stiff from the tone of her voice.

The others in the room except for Madelaine reacted to her words with unpleasant expressions. I heard talks around me.

This takes me back to high school.

"What's his name?" One of the boys asked.

"Is he good in bed?" Another asked snickering.

"Of course he's good," the curly haired girl laughed. "Do you even know who he is?"

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