8. But He's a Food Soul

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I found chocolate sitting beside the window in the dim lightings of the restaurant. He had on a tuxedo, looking just as fancy as this restaurant if not more. In his hand sits a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

"Did you wait long?" I asked, still feeling a bit shy.

"I just got here." He said as he stared at me. "You look amazing tonight. These roses are for you."

"Wow...thank you." I said, blushing. "Y-You don't need to stare at me so much. You're making me nervous...."

"Heheh." Chocolate chuckled and pulled out my chair for me. "You're always so adorable."

After sitting down and skimming through the menu, I ordered a asparagus and chicken carbonara and chocolate ordered their new sun-dried tomato, spinach, and quinoa salad.

Our food arrived not too long after ordering.

"Chocolate." I said.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Why do you like salads so much?"

"I'm not sure. Probably because they don't make me full. Want a bite?"

"Sure. I'll give you some of mine, too."

He stabbed a fork full of his salad and raised it to me from across the table.

I bit onto his fork and he bit into mine after.

"Why're you grinning like that?" I asked.

"It's our first indirect kiss." He said, smiling.

I started choking and I tried my best to swallow the remaining food in my mouth instead of choking it out and looking distasteful.

"Chocolate..." I puffed out a small laugh. "You're adorable. It's just an indirect kiss, heheh. But it feels pretty good...strangely. Oh! Forget what I just said right now."

"Okay." He said with a wide smile.

Towards the end of the dining, the restaurant staffs brought out my favorite cake for us.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I know almost everything." He said, smirking.

Halfway through the cake, I finally spoke out, "um, why do you keep on staring at me, chocolate?"

"I'm just remembering the first moment I met you. It was a rainy and you were totally soaked for the interview for the restaurant."

"You were laughing at me secretly that time!"

"It was just my first time seeing someone looking like that for an interview." Chocolate said as he grinned. "Of course it would be you."

"Don't make fun of me." I pouted. "The weather forecast lied to me, okay?"

"Heheh, you're adorable." He said again as he laced his fingers with mine on the table.

I blushed.

I loved the warmth of his hand and the way it envelopes over mine. It seems to fit perfectly together.

The one month dinner anniversary went well. I had a blast spending it with chocolate. The roses smelled amazing.

"Do you ever give out other colored roses?" I asked.

"At the flower shop that I go to, they also have blue ones." Chocolate said as he then made a thoughtful expression. "Though...I would never give one to you."

"Why not?"

"Because its flower language is sad. It means unattainable. So I would never give one to you."

He smiled at me sadly and I tightened my hand in his.

"I'm already attained by you." I said shyly.

"I know." He said and gave my palm a gentle kiss.

We took the Uber home. It was around eleven when we finally arrived home.

Upon opening the front door, a loud voice called out to me; causing me to jump.

"Father...?" I said.

"Where have you been?!" He asked unhappily. "And who's that?"

Oh right, I never did mention chocolate to him, did I? But father wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow morning since he was working the night shift, too.

"I went to have dinner with chocolate. Oh, his name is chocolate, my food soul."

"Is that why you broke things up with Tim?"

"Father, you have to understand. That guy is a jerk and he doesn't care about me at all."

After going through a long explanation of everything that happened with Tim and how I got together with chocolate, father finally relaxed and listened.

"Do you intend to stay with him for the rest of your life?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"But (y/n), he's a good soul."

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