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6th May:

In the early morning Dante wakes up Trish and Lady to prepare for their small journey.
They drive by Nero's and Kyrie's orphanage in Fortuna where they pick up the male all geared up.

"Why are we going there again", Nero asks. "I have a feeling that we have to go there", Dante responds with determination.
Nero leans back into his seat and pulls his hood into his face to sleep.
It's an hour ride to their destination.

An hour later the car stops in front of Minttown. Everyone has a shocked expression on their face.
The small town is completely in ruins.
"What happened her", Trish says being the first one to speak up.
"I don't know what that's why we're here."
The four get out of the car.

"We search in groups. Nero and Lady you go south. Trish and I will go north. We meet here again in two hours maximum", Dante orders and everyone agrees by splitting up into their groups.
"Remember, eyes open."

The groups run off into their decided directions.

Dante looks at the different houses on the way. They are all in ruins and blood stains cover a few of the stones and the ground.
A few cadavers also lay around which Trish looks at a bit closer.
"Strange. Those are the wounds caused by nothing other than demons", She says.

"If all these people are dead then who sent the message?"
Dante walks along the street with Trish following behind him. This area feels familiar.
"Keep an eye out for survivors", He orders and starts to look through the ruins for any people who are still alive.
"Dante, I don't think that-"
"Just look!"

Suddenly the blood on the ground starts to bubble. "Dammit, Trish, get back!"
Dante draws the Rebellion and prepares for battle while Trish holds the Sparda tightly.
Both stand back against back as the demons slowly show up.
"If they show up here then it means we must be on the right path."

With a few blows of their swords the two kill the Empusas after almost five minutes.

Dante wipes the sweat off his forehead and puts the Rebellion back onto his back.
The last demon falls to the ground and slowly fades away.
Suddenly Trish and Dante hear whimpering noises coming from rocks a few meters away. "Do you hear that", Trish asks.
Dante looks around the ruins once again with the girl from his dreams on his mind.
"Look out for a girl with h/c hair", He says. "What? Why?"
"Just do it!"

Dante rips away bricks and stones to follow the whimpering.
With his muscly arms he throws aside a piece of a brick wall and the sight in front shocks him.

It's the girl from his dream. She really exists.

Her frail body lays on the ground with her h/c messy hair covering her face.
Trish walks up behind Dante with her jaw almost on the ground. "What the-"
"She's asleep. Let's take her in."

Dante wants to pick up the sleeping girl but Trish holds him back. "Dante. Are you sure about this. We don't even know this one."
The male grabs Trish's shoulders and faces her directly. "I saw her."
"In your dreams?"
His gaze shifts to the girl in the ripped clothes. "If I saw her then she means something!"
Dante walks past the blonde female and picks up the h/c haired girl bridal style.

He carries her back to the van where Nero and Lady are already waiting.
"What took you so long", Nero asks with annoyance in his voice.
"Wow, who is that", Lady says as she spots the unknown girl in Dante's arms.
"That's what we're going to find out", He responds and enters the car to lay the girl onto the back seat.
Then he wraps a soft blanket around her fragil body. As he does so a small groan escapes from the girl's lips.

Dante smiles at the sweet sound.

"Let's wrap it up. We'll come back here tomorrow. If we're lucky she can tell us more", He says as he jumps onto the driver's seat.

The other three enter the car as well and then they drive back to Fortuna.

The unknown girl sleeps through the whole ride.
"I'm so curious", Lady whines relating to the girl sleeping in the back of the car.
"I guess we all are", Trish says looking at Dante. "Ugh, this gig's a fraud", Nero sighs and falls asleep with his head leaning against the window.

"Does this kid ever stop nagging", Dante sighs.

After another long car ride the crew arrives at the "Devil May Cry" headquarters.
Nero returns to the orphanage while the others take care of the still sleeping girl.

As Lady and Trish eat pizza Dante sits beside the bed of where the girl lays.
While waiting for her to wake up the male reads through a magazine.

Suddenly he feels a cold hand on his. Immediately Dante puts the magazine down and sees the strange girl looking at him directly into his turquoise eyes.
"Ah, I see you're finally awake", He says with a smirk on his face.
The girl seems shocked and worried, maybe even frightened which Dante notices right away.

"Hey, you're in good hands. I won't hurt you."
The expression on the girl's face softens at Dante's calm and soothing voice.
"What's your name, kid", He asks.


My little Angel (DMC 5 Dante x reader)[completed]Where stories live. Discover now