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Wanna get an extra sadness kick for this one? I recommend listening to "She died the way she lived" (The three musketeers OST). Any sad song will do as well.

10th May, 7 am:

Ladys eyes widen at the sight behind the bars.
"Y/n", The two women call out.

The said girl lays at the back of the cell with blood covering her head.
Her white streak has almost faded.
Slowly her e/c eyes open at the sound of Lady's and Trish's voices.
With half open eyes Y/n looks at them. "You", She mumbles.

"Come on! We have to get her out", Trish says as she jumps up from the ground to look for something to break the door open.

The women find a wooden bar big enough to open the metal door with one hit.
With all their muscle power they lift up the bar and swing it towards the cell door.

Just as calculated, it opens.

The two ladies drop the bar and run towards the weak Y/n.
They pat her cheeks to keep her eyes open. "Y/n, stay with us!"
Y/n is barely holding on as the white streak continues to fade.

They pick up the weak girl and carry her outside the cave.
The glowing sun burns Y/n's pale skin.
"Dante", She coughs and with blood running out of her mouth.
"Hold on, Y/n! We'll fix you!"
Suddenly a strong wind sweeps the girls' feet off the ground.

"Give her to me", The winged woman yells.
Her wings have been severely damaged by the bullets from Nero's and Dante's guns.
She can no longer lift herself off the ground.
"Give me my servant!"
The woman drags herself over the ground and to the three girls squirming on the ground.
Her hands travel up Y/n's chest and wrap around her neck.
The winged witch starts to apply force onto Y/n's neck to finally end her miserable life.

Dante notices and runs after the witch.

"You useless thing", The winged woman growls as Y/n starts to fight for air while choking.

Suddenly the winged woman cries out in pain.
Dante has cut off one of her dark wings with the Rebellion.

"You", She yells darting her gaze at the devil hunter.
"If you want her you'll have to get through me."

The woman let's out a cry before crawling towards Dante with the rest of her power. Her hand transforms into a huge claw which attempts to hit the white haired male.

Dante dodges her easily and cuts off the other wing.
The woman cries out in pain ones more.
A short silence drops onto the city once again.

Y/n coughs and squirms on the ground as a low chuckle leaves the winged woman's lips.
"You can't save her."
The woman waves her hand and Y/n suddenly gets lifted off the ground. "Say goodbye to your lover girl."
Then a cry escapes Y/n's lips.
A cry that hurt Dante's heart.

Blood suddenly stains Y/n's shirt in her stomach area.
Dante cries out her name as he runs to catch her. The Rebellion lands in the dirt next to him.
Tears roll down her pale cheeks as a satisfied laugh escapes the winged witch.
"It is done!"

Y/n's breath hitches as the woman starts to disappear with the wind.

"Y/n!" Dante cups the girl's cheeks as tears form in his eyes. "Y/n don't leave me. Not now."
The girl takes Dante's hands into hers and weakly squeezes them. "Dante", She coughs.
The said male cries as he kisses her bloody hands.

Trish, Lady and Nero gather around the scene.

"I've only known you for a few days but... I feel like I've known you my howl life", Dante mumbles into Y/n's ears.
Her head now rests on his lap.

"I need you by my side."
A smile hushes over the girl's lips. "Dante", She mumbles. "I love you."
Then the white from her hair disappears completely and the light in her beautiful e/c eyes slowly fades.
"Y/n?! Y/n, no!"

Tears run down Lady's cheeks as she hugs Trish who just watches in horror.

Y/n's lifeless hands slowly slip out of Dante's and fall onto her motionless chest.
Dante lets out a cry of sorrow before hugging the dead girl tightly.

The said male looks up to Trish.
She points at Y/n's body that slowly dissolves into little sparks. Dante tries to catch them but fails.
Instead they float around and gather in Dante's hands.

An amulet.

The sparks have formed into a red amulet.

Dante holds onto it with both of his hands.
He brings it up to his lips and kisses it with his tear overflown face.

"I want to bury her", He suddenly says.

None of the others respond as they have never seen Dante in this state before.

"I don't care if the casket is empty. I want to bury her."

Trish is the first person to move and kneel down next to Dante. "We will, I promise."
She wraps his arms around him.

"Come. Let's go home."

My little Angel (DMC 5 Dante x reader)[completed]Where stories live. Discover now