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Dante looks into the girl's e/c eyes. "Where", She suddenly says.
"You're at out headquarters. Nothing can hurt you here." The male leans back in his chair while the girl named Y/n pulls the blanket up to her chin.
"What... happened?"
"What do you remember?"

The girl looks down onto her fingers fumbling around with the blanket. "Demons and fire."

"That's all?"
Y/n nods. "Don't talk much, huh? Well, I guess that can be arranged. Let me get you some food." Dante gets up from his chair which shocks the girl. He notices and reassures the girl that she doesn't have to worry.

Dante rushes downstairs to where Lady and Trish sit. "She's awake", He says catching the girls' attention. "What? How is she?"
"I guess she's confused. She doesn't form full sentences but rather connects words."
Dante opens the fridge and takes in its insides. "What are you doing", Lady asks.
"Looking for something to eat."

The women look at each other.
"Does someone care about that girl", They try to tease him. "Her name is Y/n", He responds calm and pulls out a few leftovers.
Dante warms them up and walks back upstairs with Lady's and Trish's gaze following him.

Before entering the room Dante knocks onto the door.
As he opens it he sees the girl leaning out the window.
He smiles at the sight of her and puts down the plate of food. Y/n seems unfazed by the sound of the dishes hitting the wooden table but rather leans out even more.
Dante eyes her every move, how she takes in the fresh air, how the wind blows her hair out of her face.

Suddenly her foot slips off the carpet underneath her and she falls forward. Fortunately, Dante noticed right away and catches Y/n by her waist.
The girl wraps her arms around the male in shock. "Considering what happened to you, you should be a bit more cautious", He says.
"I got you food."
The girl looks up at Dante and then at the full plate on the wooden table.
He eyes widen.

She frees herself out of Dante's arms and trips onto the bed. Y/n takes the plate and devours the food in one go. "Hungry, aren't we", Dante laughs as he sits down next to the bed again. "Hold on."
The male leans forward to brush Y/n's white streak out of her dirty face.
"We should wash you up after this."

Y/n continues to eat while Dante watches her with a satisfied smile.
Her presence is almost calming.

As Y/n finishes she puts the plate aside and jumps out of bed.
She looks around the room and then runs out the half open door. "Oi!"
Dante jumps up from his chair and runs after the giggling girl.
She runs downstairs and stops in her track as she sees Lady and Trish sitting on the couch.

Y/n cocks her head to the side while the women lay their books aside in confusion. Dante jogs up behind Y/n. "She sure is fast", He says.
"So this is Y/n", Trish asks and gets up from the couch to eye the said girl.
A smile appears on the blonde's lips. "We can keep her, Dante."
"She's not a pet."
"But another lady in the house! We'll take care of her", Lady says as she also jumps up from the couch.

Y/n looks over to Dante who crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Who", She says.
"These are Trish and Lady", Dante says introducing the two women by Y/n's side. A bright smile forms on Y/n's lips.
Then she runs off upstairs again and into her room.
"I guess she needs some time to get used to this", Trish sighs. "I guess so."

Dante walks upstairs as well and enters the girl's room. She sits on the bed with her front facing towards the open window.
"You alright", Dante asks.
He noticed the sudden drop in Y/n's mood as he entered the room.
Y/n turns around to look at the white haired male standing by the other side of the bed.

"Dante", She suddenly says.
"Did you just-"
The said male's eyes widen. She said his name.

"I have to say, I'm a bit baffled right now."
Dante walks over to Y/n and sits right beside her.
"I'm sorry about your city", He says.
"We'll find out what happened there."

Suddenly Y/n lays her head onto Dante's shoulder which catches him by surprise. "Dante", She says once again. "I'm here."
He wraps an arm around the girl's shoulders.
She feels safe.

"So innocent", Dante sighs.
The male looks down onto Y/n again.
She's asleep.

A smile forms onto the hunter's lips as he grabs the blanket from behind him to wrap it around Y/n.
"Goodnight", He whispers.

My little Angel (DMC 5 Dante x reader)[completed]Where stories live. Discover now