Uhhh High School

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First day of Senior year, let's get it over with. I thought as I took a drag of my cigarette before putting it out on the floor. I grabbed my bag off my motorbike before walking into the place I like to call hell.

I pilled my books into my locker before I saw Veronica Sawyer with the Heathers. God, I thought she was better than that. I rolled my eyes before walking to my first class.

"Please don't give me a reason to give you a detention today Miss Harvey." Miss Fleming shouted to me as I sat down. "I'll try not to miss but I can't make any promises." I said back before sitting in my usual seat in the corner.

The bell had just gone, and a new kid was walked in not a care in the world, his trench bellowing behind him. "Your late Mr...." Miss Fleming started obviously not knowing the boy's name. "Dean, Jason Dean." The boy said smugly before sitting down next to me. Great now I have to socialise.

"Well Mr Dean looks like you have landed yourself a detention." Miss Fleming said before carrying on with the lesson which I was not paying attention too. "Greetings And salutations." Jason Dean said turning to me. "Greetings and salutations?" I questioned. "Just trying to be polite, what's her deal?" He said pointing towards Miss.

"That's Miss Fleming. She lives alone, her husband left her, kids are grown up, and the school's hippie." I explained boredly before going back to doodle in my sketchbook. "Wow can you do that with everyone." He asked surprised.

"Do what?" I asked confused, "Tell me anything about anyone." He said intrigued. "I guess so." I said not really interested.

"What about her." He said pointing at Martha Dunstock. "Martha Dunstock, had a little relationship with Kurt Kelly in kindergarten but it wasn't much, used to be friends with Heather Duke. Schools main target for bullying. She was friends with Veronica Sawyer, but I don't know any more since Veronica has joined the Heathers." I said listing off the main things about Martha.

"Who is Veronica Sawyer?" He asked me. "Veronica Sawyer, Definitely has a trust fund. She used to be an outcast before she joined the Heathers, also used to be friends with Martha Dunstock. I don't know much else since she used to be basically invisible." I said thinking about the girl in blue.

"And the Heathers." He asked, god this guy wants to know a lot doesn't he. "The Heathers. Made up of Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, now Veronica Sawyer, and Heather Chandler she is a mythic bitch." I said at the end making JD laugh.

"Since you like talking to him so much why don't you join Mr Dean in detention Miss Harvey." Miss Fleming said giving me the look of I warned you. "Fuck me." I groaned leaning on the wall. "Thanks a lot." I told JD as I started to copy what was on the board. "Your welcome." He sniggered before doing the questions on the board.


Great first day of school and I already have a detention. I thought as I walked into Miss Flemings classroom for my detention but there was only JD in there. "Where's Miss Fleming?" I asked looking at the empty teacher's chair. "Oh, she got slightly ill, So detention is off." He said walking over to me.

"Oh, thank god." I said as I turned to the door, but JD had put his arm out in front of me. "Where do you think you're going." He said huskily and I rolled my eyes. "Nice try tough guy, but I have better things to do then be with you." I said shoving past him leaving him gobsmacked. I laughed to myself as I jumped on my bike heading to the 7/11.


I grabbed a pack of hot tamales in the 7/11 hoping to burn the pain away. "Would you like a slushy with that?" A voice said behind me, but I already knew who it was. "Are you stalking me." I said as I turned to meet JD.

"Of course not. I came to get a slushy. You know to freeze the brain." He said pointing a finger to his brain. "Brain freeze, what a pussy." I said to myself as I walked to the counter. "Can I have some whisky as well please?" I asked the clerk, Mike.

He had known me since my parents died, was almost like a father figure, key word almost. "Sorry I can't today Y/N." He said nodding his head towards JD. "Don't worry he won't blab, will you" I said turning to JD. "About what?" JD said while smirking.

"Fine, here kid." He said grabbing the whisky from behind him and putting it on the counter. I handed him the money before walking out the shop and sitting on my bike. Soon after I left the shop JD followed behind me.

"What was that about calling me a pussy?" He said going towards his bike. "Let me guess, you give yourself brain freeze as an act of self-harm for your depressing teenage life." I said bluntly sipping on the whiskey. "Yeah." He said shrugging.

"Well you see, I wash down hot tamales with whiskey instead of sugar and ice." I said pouring the candy in my mouth feeling a satisfying burn. "It can't be that much worse." He said smirking. "You want to try it?" I said gulping some whiskey before passing them both to him.

"Ok then." He said putting a mouthful of hot tamales in his mouth then pouring in some whiskey. He smirked smugly while looking at me, but I just smirked back. "Wait for it." I said before his face went scarlet red as he spat out the contents of his mouth while scratching his tongue.

I burst out laughing as I grabbed my food of him. "Pussy." I said before downing the whiskey. "How do you do that?" He said before slurping down his slushy. I just laughed. "I'll be right back." He said before walking back into the shop.

Once he was inside a bright red car pulled up next to us, I already knew who was in it. "Get corn nuts!" Heather screamed as Veronica got out of the car. "BQ or Original!" Veronica shouted back as she got to the door. "BQ!" Heather shouted back as if it was obvious.

I rolled my eyes eating the rest of the tamales. "Well if it isn't (Y/N) Harvey, sitting there looking like a slut in leather." Heather sneered out of her car. "Oh, Fuck of Heather." I said taking the knife out of my pocket. "Or what." She sneered. "Or else so help me god I will slit your throat!" I shouted gripping the knife. 

Before any other crap could come out of her mouth JD and Veronica walked out of the shop. "Come on!" Heather shouted at Veronica. Veronica murmured something to JD before they both walked over. Veronica got in the car as JD sat on his bike next to me. "Well I better get going." I said grabbing my helmet.

"Why have you got a curfew or something." He said sniggering. "No, my parents died. I just don't really want to be here anymore." I shrugged as grabbed his helmet. "Do you mind if I come with." He asked as we both got on our bikes. "No as long as you're not annoying." I said as I warmed up the engine. "No promises." He said before we both started to drive off.

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