We Love Blackmail

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"Me and Martha Dumptruck? Where did you get this?" Heather said as JD showed her the photos whereas I just sat on the table behind him. "Oh, I just had the nicest little chat with Ms Dumptruck. Got along famously. It's scary how everybody's gotta little story to tell. Want to see the canoeing shots?" He said about to have a look at the other photos, but Heather stopped him. "What is this? Blackmail? I'll give you a week's lunch money." She said making me laugh.

"We don't want your money. We want your strength." I said before letting JD take over. Westernburg does not need mushy togetherness, it needs a strong leader. Heather Chandler was that leader but..." JD explained before Heather cut him off.

"But she couldn't handle it." Heather said realizing what we were pretending to get at. I think you can. Moby Dick is dunked. The white whale drank some bad plankton and splashed through a coffee table and now it's your turn to take the helm." JD finished.

"What about the photographs?" Heather asked pointing at the photos I had just taken out of JD's hand. "Oh, don't worry. We will give you them back after you have done a job for us. However, in the meantime hears a little gift." I said throwing the red scrunchy on the ground before me and JD left the classroom.


"Now I'm bored." I complained as me and JD stood at my locker. "Well what do you want to do?" JD asked playing with my hair. "I dunno, what's there to do?" I asked him rolling my eyes. "Well if you're up for it, we could errm, go on a date?" He asked blushing slightly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is the Jason Dean asking me for a date?" I asked leaning closer to his face. "Oh, shove off, do you want to go or not?" He said shoving me playfully. "I would love to go." I said as we walked towards our bikes.

"Great I'll pick you up at six." He said to me before running to his bike and speeding off. I stood there and blinked a couple of times before rolling me eyes and setting off home on my bike.


I was at home looking at my wardrobe. "What the hell do I wear!" I shouted looking at all my clothes. "He didn't even tell me what we would be doing." I said walking into it. "Should I wear something fancy or something casual." I said flipping through the many pairs of jeans.

"You know what, I don't care what he thinks. I'm going to wear something I feel comfortable in, and if he doesn't like it that's his problem." I said as I grabbed a black checked skirt with a black t-shirt and a leather jacket.


I put on my Docs before walking outside before locking the door. "Right on time." JD said as I turned around "You look amazing by the way." He added as I got on the back of his bike.

"Yes, well I do try." I said before wrapping my arms around his waist blushing slightly. "So where are we going?" I asked as he revved up the engine. "It's a surprise." He said before setting off.


"The 7/11 seriously?" I asked as we pulled up to the 7/11. "We are just getting snacks okay, then we are going on the actual date." He said grabbing my hand pulling me into the shop. "Right you get your snacks and I will get slushies okay." He told me before walking over to the different slushie flavours.

I walked straight towards the candies grabbing hot tamales, mike n ikes, and nerds. "Sup Mike." I said placing all the sweets on the counter. "Hey (Y/N), do you want some whiskey with that?" He asked me. "No thanks just this and two slushies." I said throwing the money on the counter.

He nodded putting the money into the till as JD walked up to us. "Hey, have you heard about that Martha girl." He asked us as we grabbed all our stuff.

"No what happened?" JD asked. "She jumped off one of the bridges in town a suicide note taped to her chest." He said shaking his head. Me and JD gave each other a look before turning back to Mike. "Is she still alive?" I asked.

"Yeah but she is in a mobility scooter, she broke loads of bones." He said frowning. "Well we better be off, thanks Mike." I said as we walked out. "We are inspiring people." JD said as we got back onto his bike.

"It's a bit weird though isn't it." I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist again. "Not really." He said before speeding off.


"JD where in god's name are, we?" I asked as we got off his bike. We had driven into the run-down area of town where the buildings were all abandoned. "My dad's going to bulldoze that building in the next couple of days. So, I have set us something up at the top of it." He said pointing at the tallest building in the area.

"Wow what a romantic, setting up the date in a dodgy area where the buildings could literally collapse at any moment." I said as we grabbed our stuff walking towards the building. "Well would you rather have this or be in a cheesy restaurant somewhere?" He asked me already knowing the answer. "Whatever let's just go." I said grabbing his hand dragging him into the building.


"Are we almost there yet?" I asked. My legs were aching from the multiple sets of stairs I had clambered up. "Yes, I promise this is the last set of stairs." I said pointing to a door that was just a staircase up. "Carry me." I said putting my arms out.

"It's literally a staircase up." He said giving me and unbelievable look. "Pleaseeeeeee." I whined; I really can't be bothered to walk anymore. "Oh fine." He sighed giving up and putting his hands out. "Yay." I said standing in front of him. He picked me up in a bridal carry before climbing up the last flight of stairs.

He kicked open the door to show millions of dazzling stars shining in the sky. There was also a picnic blanket on the dirty ground surrounded by candles. "Wow..." I breathed as JD set me down. "Do you like it?" He asked sheepishly.

"I love it." I said turning to him. "Really?" He said surprised walking over to me. "Yeah it's amazing." I said spinning round trying to look at all the stars. "I'm glad you like it. Now let's sit down." He said moving to the blanket taking me with him.

We just laid there gazing at the stars, eating away at our snacks, and sipping on our slushies. "The stars really do look beautiful don't they." I said as JD wrapped his arms around me. "I guess but do you know what else looks beautiful." He said smirking down at me.

"Don't you fucking dare." I said knowing what he was going to say but of course he did it. "You." He said simply. "Uhhh your so cringey." I said hitting his arms. "That's why you love me though." He said holding me tighter.

"Wow." I said randomly. "What?" He asked me smiling. "It's just we act like such normal teenagers you would never think that we are serial killers, would you?" I said gazing into the dark inky mess of the sky.

"It doesn't really matter to me, because all that matters is that I'm going to be with you." He said pecking me on the forehead before we sat there peacefully without the craziness of society irritating us. 

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