Lets go blow up some assholes

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"Honey, I'm home!" I heard JD shout before the door slammed. "You get everything?" he asked sitting down next to me on the couch. "Yep it's all in the kitchen." I said as I put my book on the coffee table in front of us before turning to him.

"How was school?" I asked. "Alright, Heather got all the signatures." He said holding up a few sheets of paper. "Really she got all of them?" I asked shocked snatching them out of his hands. "I don't know for sure; you're going to have to check them since I don't know the school off by heart.

But she also gave me this." He said holding up a battered copy of 'Moby Dick' that had post it notes sticking out of all its edges.

"And what in the world could we do with that?" I said as I flicked through all the names checking to see if anyone was missed out. "Well, the notes in this book are very dark. We could slit her wrists make it look like a suicide?" He said waving the book in front of my face.

"We have so much to do with making the bombs and stuff, do you really think we will have time?" I asked him looking up. "I don't know maybe it could be a little treat?" He said as he flicked through the book.

"I'll think about it ok, but for now I need to think up a suicide note and then we have to start making some bombs." I said as I stood up to go get the supplies from the kitchen.


"Finally." I said after I collapsed on the couch finishing the last thermal. "That should be enough." I thought as I looked at the small pile. "Have you written the note yet?" JD asked walking in with two coffees. "No, I'll do it now." I said grabbing a pad and pen before pulling them onto my lap.

'We the students of Westernburg High will die, our burnt body's will finally get through to you. Your society turn out as the blame for we cannot live in this cruel world. We hope people realize that their actions have consequences. Signed the students and staff of Westernburg High, Goodbye.'

"Now all we need to do it sign our names." I said handing him the paper. He took the pen off me and instantly signed the paper before handing it back to me. I looked at the paper hesitantly before signing it.

"What are you going to do with all your money." JD asked me as I set down the papers. "I've transferred it all into an account under the name of Silvia Armstrong. All we need to do now is pack the things we want to take into the car and then tomorrow we will be free from this hell hole." I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"We are only seventeen and by tomorrow we will be mass murders, and no one will know it was us." He said as he held me tight. "Where do you want to travel to?" I asked him looking up. "Everywhere, as long as it's with you." He said before kissing me on the forehead.

And that was it. We just sat there in each other's arms watching the fire flicker. Thinking about the crime we were going to commit. Wandering if we are actually going to do the deed. Telling ourselves that there was no backing out now.

"We better start packing." I said sitting up. "Yeah." JD agreed also sitting up. "Did you get all the stuff you wanted from your dad's?" I asked him as we walked up the stairs. "Yeah but it wasn't much, most of my stuff is here now." He said when we got to my room.

"Alright, well let's just get everything packed and then we can get some sleep." I said before we started to pack our things. We packed clothes and books as well as trinkets and memory's before finally drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to find a few bags surrounding my bed and JD sat at the end of it. "JD? What's wrong?" I asked him sitting up. "I did it." He said not turning to me. "Did what?" I asked getting out of bed and sitting next to him.

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