Heather Chandler Will Never Die

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"What are we?" I asked JD as we laid on my sofa. "Depends, what do you want us to be?" He said as he started to play with my hair. "I don't know what I want." I said sitting up leaning on him. "Well I know what I want us to be." He said leaning in.

"Of course, you do you little shit." I said kissing him before getting up and walking to the kitchen. "Where you going?" He said laughing as he followed me. "To make breakfast. I don't know about you, but I am hungry." I said as I pulled the eggs and bacon out of the fridge.

"Go grab a couple of pans would ya." I said as I grabbed the oil. "Here you go." He said putting them on the lit stove then kissing me on the cheek. I put the eggs in one pan and the bacon in the other before two arms snaked round my waist.

"What do you want?" I sighed smiling. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said leaning his head on my back. I froze. Did I want to be in a relationship, I mean yes. Was I ready for one? I flipped the bacon before turning round to see him.

"Are you sure you want to go out with this mess?" I asked looking down. "Of course, because this mess is the girl of my dreams." He said lifting up my chin. "Your so cringy." I said before pecking him on the lips.

"Is that a yes." I said as we lent our foreheads on each other's. "Yes, now let me make sure I don't burn our breakfast." I said before turning around his arms still around my waist.


It was now Monday morning and JD slept the night (Just slept). "Hey." I said as I turned around to see his sleepy face. "Hi." he said before pulling me closer to his chest. "Come on, we have to get ready for school." I said trying to free myself from his grip.

"No. I like it here." He said holding me tighter. "If you don't let go, I won't be able to make breakfast." I said knowing that he would let go. He loosened his grip letting me get out of the bed. I walked over to the wardrobe grabbing some black jeans a black crop top with a long-sleeved fish net shirt.

Once I had got dressed, I turned around to see JD looking me up and down. "Wow." He said smirking. I laughed throwing a coat hanger at him "Get dressed." I demanded. "But the view is so good." He said as I started to put my docs on. "You little shit." I said clambering onto the bed and starting to play fight with him.


"Ready for school?" I said as I grabbed my helmet. "No." He said bluntly as he put on his trench coat. "Come on, it can't be that bad now that Heather is dead."


"So, I may have been wrong." I said as me and JD walked into school. The hell hole now actually looked like hell.

Black and Red decorations were hung around posters of Heather. Her locker was Covered in notes, candles, teddy's, flowers, and anything else you could imagine. The memorial was so big it dragged across all the lockers in that row, which included mine.

"Uhhh Fuck me, It's not like she will be able to have these is it." I said kicking the stupid gifts out of the way. 'Oh my god I can't believe she did that.' and 'How rude, how could anyone do that?' Rang through the halls as I shoved my bag into my locker and grabbing the useless books.

"Oi Harvey, what do you think you're doing!" I heard Kurt's voice yell. "Getting my shit out of my locker Kurt. Is that a problem." I said before slamming my locker shut.

"Yeah your ruining Heathers memorial." Ram said as I lent on my locker. "As if you give a shit Ram, all you wanted to do was get into her pants." I said looking at my nails.

"Oh, that's it!" Ram shouted getting his fist ready to hit my face. However, I ducked letting his fist hit my locker. I rolled my eyes before kicking him where a boy should not be kicked then I gave him an upper cut.

"Men." I said before walking away with JD leaving everyone shocked.


"First up Miss Fleming." JD said before we entered the classroom. Everyone had been whispering before we walked in. I walked straight to my seat at the back. "Right guys, today we are going to be doing some healing." Miss Fleming said causing me to roll my eyes.

"I have copies of Heathers suicide note now let's all read through them." Now that made me listen. I looked at JD who had the same slightly panicked look. "I'm gonna pass this note around the class so you can all feel its pathetic beauty for yourself. And while we do this, I think it's a good opportunity to share... the feelings that this suicide has spurred in all of us." Miss Fleming said now passing them out.

"Now, who would like to begin?" She said as I looked down on the suicide note that I wrote. "I heard it was really gnarly. She sucked down a bowl of multi-purpose deodorising disinfectant and then smash!" A girl said. 'You could say that.' I thought.

"Tracy, let's not rehash the coroner's report, let's talk emotions." Miss Fleming said shaking her head. "Um, Heather and I used to go out, but she said I was boring. But now I realise I really wasn't boring... it's just that she was dissatisfied with her life." A boy named Peter said making me almost burst out laughing.

"That's... very good, Peter." Miss Fleming said looking very dissatisfied. That just pushed me over the edge. I started sniggering. "Have you got something to say Miss Harvey, you have been very quiet." Miss said. Everyone's head turned to me. "Errm......" I looked to JD for help, but he just shrugged.

"Well Heather used to bully people and I used to think that she did that because she was spiteful but errm....... now I know it was because she felt like she needed to bully herself?" I said questioning everything I just said.

I looked over to JD who was just quietly sniggering. I elbowed him in the ribs discreetly before turning back to Miss. "Wow what a breakthrough." Miss said walking over to me. "I think you all need to learn from Miss Harvey." She said before walking away.

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