You can suck my dick Simmons!

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I woke up the next morning to have JD's arm draped around my shoulder. "JD, wake up I have to make breakfast." I said trying to remove his arm, but he just pulled me closer to him. "JD, come on we have school." I said trying to get out of the bed. "Nooooo." He wined.

"Jason Dean you get off me this instant or I'm not making you any breakfast." I said as we both stayed still. A few seconds went by before his arm was gently removed from my waist. "Be down in ten minutes." I told him as I put his shirt over my head. He groaned in response before I went downstairs and started to make breakfast.


"JD wake the fuck up!" I shouted up the stairs as I put pancakes and syrup on the table. I heard footsteps upstairs before I saw JD emerge from the stairs in only his boxer shorts rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked as he sat down. "It's time for you to eat your breakfast." I said shoving a plate of food towards him before digging into mine.

"Do we have to go to school today?" He asked as he poured syrup over his pancakes. "Yes, we need to know how people are taking Martha's attempt at suicide. And you know that stupid radio show that's always on, Heather M was on its last night saying that she hates her life. We need to be at school today." I explained as I poured myself some orange juice.

"Oh fine, but we are going on my bike." He said as he almost finished his meal. "Whatever, as long as you get dressed in the next 10 minutes." I told him as I stood up. I kissed him on the cheek before walking up the stairs to get ready for the day.


"Are you changed JD?" I said as I walked out of my closet pulling on my leather jacket. "Sadly." He groaned as he pulled on his trench coat placing a gun in the inside pocket. "Do you really have to bring that to school?" I asked as I packed my satchel with cigarettes, a lighter, and books that I would rather read then listen to teacher droning on.

"I want to, I like to have it with me." He said as he grabbed the keys to his bike. "Whatever you weirdo, let's just get to school." I said before we both rushed down the stairs. I grabbed my keys before heading out the door with JD.

I locked the door before sitting on the back of his bike wrapping my arm round his waist. "Let's go to hell." He said before heading towards school.


"Come on." I said as I dragged JD into the classroom. We both sat down near the window before I pulled out one of my books and started to read. However, I couldn't read since Heather D was gossiping about Heather M.

Heather quickly stood up before running out of the classroom. "Where is Heather going?" The teacher asked as he walked into the classroom. "She's going to cry." Heather Duke said before her and the crowd around her started laughing.

Veronica glared at her before rushing out of the room in the direction Heather went. "Why are you such a bitch Heather?" I asked not looking up from my book. "Errm, language Miss Harvey language." Mr Simmons said but I just ignored him.

"Excuse me?" She said in that scratch bitchy tone as she stood up. "I said." I started as I put my book down standing up and walking up to her getting right into her face, "Why are you such a bitch?".

She glared at me before raising her hand and slapping me if you could even call it that. Everyone took a quick breath watching intently. "(Y/N)." JD said in a warning tone.

"You call that a slap?" I said before raising my fist punching her right in the nose. I heard a satisfying crack before she put her hand to her nose blood quickly staining it. "You Whore!" She shouted before grabbing my hair trying to pull me to the ground.

"Girls!" Mr Simmons shouted as I grabbed Heather's ankle pulling her to the ground causing her to let go of my hair. I quickly stood up and was about to kick her before I felt two arms wrap around my waist and drag me backwards.

"Let go of me!" I shouted waving my arms about. "(Y/N) Just calm down." JD whispered in my ear which caused me to relax. "Harvey you have detention!" Simmons shouted at me walking over to Heather and the footballers helped her up.

"With all due respect sir, I don't give a shit." I said walking back to my desk and pulling out a cigarette. I quickly lit it before grabbing my bag and starting to walk out of the room. "Come back here Miss Harvey!" Mr Simmons shouted at I walked down the hallway. "You can suck my dick Simmons!" I shouted back before shoving the school doors open.


"Well that was quite a show." JD said as he met me at the back of the building. "Yeah well she fucking deserved it." I said as I turned the page of my book. "I still have to get Heather to get everybody signature thought." He said sitting down next to me.

"It's not hard just tell her it's just a stupid petition towards something that she wants, and she will have the signatures by the end of the day. However, she won't listen to you if she thinks I'm still in the plan so just tell her you broke up with me or that you were leading me on." I said knowing something like this would happen.

"And what are you going to do while I'm doing all this?" Her asked as he draped his arm over me.

"I'm going to be collecting what we need for the bombs." I said showing him the book that I had been reading all morning. "You have a book on how to create a bomb?" He asked me as if I was serious. "You never know what you can nick from an Ohio library." I said smirking.

"Anyway, I'm going to need the keys to the bike." I said as we both stood up. "Here." I said rummaging in one of his inside pockets before handing it to me. "Now don't miss me too much alright." I said as I snaked my arms around his neck. He pulled me into a kiss before I pulled away. "Right get to class lover boy." I laughed before walking over to his bike and setting off towards town.


Here is another chapter for you.

I think in the squeal I'm going to do more on the backstory of (Y/N)s life since you hardly get any of that here. But I felt she had to have at least one bad ass moment with one of the Heather's. Anyway, always feel free to comment, it always makes me feel more motivated to write if I know people like it. There might be another update in the next week, but I don't know for sure. I'm also from the UK so sorry if you don't understand the spelling or some of the writing in this. Anyway, see you next time.


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