Jock Hunting

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"Come on we need to get ready." JD said shoving me. I opened one eye to see that it was still dark. "Fuck off." I said moving deeper into my bed. "Come on, we need to get ready to kill these two dick heads." JD said nudging me again.

"Oh fine." I groaned before getting up and walking over to my wardrobe. "What to wear what to wear." I said flicking through the hangers. Eventually I chose to wear a black plat skirt with fish nets, a queen t-shirt, and my doc martins.

"You ready." I asked him when I picked up the bag. "Yeah." He said as he put on his jacket. "Then let's go."


I had just put my gun behind my back before Kurt and Ram walked into the clearing. "Hi Y/N." Kurt said walking forwards. "So, should we just whip it out or what?" Ram said with the dumbest expression on his face. "Huh, slow it down Ram." I gasped

"Strip for me." I said crossing my arms. "Ok." They both said excitedly before striping down except Kurt stopped halfway. "What about you?" He asked. "Well.... I thought you could rip my clothes off for me." I said putting my hands behind my back fiddling with the gun.

"Alright yeah that's great." He said before stripping down into his underwear. "On the count of three. One, Two..." I started. "Three." JD said jumping out before we both shot one of the idiots in the neck. While JD planted the guns in their hands, I grabbed the bag and put it next to Kurt before putting the note next to Ram.

"Come on let's go." JD said grabbing my hand before we both started to run off. We got to the car before stripping off and starting to make out. Once the cop went away, I got my clothes on. "Come on let's get to school." I said before starting the engine.


When we got to school JD was asleep and I didn't have any cigarettes. I went into his inside pocket, but he grabbed my hand. "Chill I just want a fag." I said pulling my hand away before he gave me the death stick. "How did we get away with that." I said smiling.

"I don't know but I am glad that we did." He said pulling out one for himself. I pulled out my lighter lighting both of our cigarettes before taking a large drag. "Let's go to 7/11 before the funeral." I said before starting up the car heading towards 7/11.


"Hi Mike." I said as I entered the shop. "Hey (Y/N). Have you heard about those footballer? Ended up killing each other because they were fags." He said as he grabbed the whiskey from behind him. "Yeah it was Ram and Kurt but to be honest it was a relief." I said putting the hot tamales on the counter.

"JD have you got the slushy's!" I shouted to him from the other side of the shop. "What flavour?!" He shouted back to me. "Apple and Blue Razz." I shouted to him.

"Still hanging out with that guy?" Mike asked me. "Yep." I said taking the money out of my purse. "I'm gonna give him the talk." He said as he took the money. "No Mike please." I said shaking my head, but he just ignored me. Then JD started to walk over with the slushies.

"Right listen cump." Mike said pulling him down by his collar, "If you hurt my little lily flower, I will kill you, you got that." He said menacingly. JD quickly nodded.

"Right off you go then." He said shoving us our stuff. "See you Mike." I said before we got in the car heading towards mine.


I chose to where a black skater skirt with a long-sleeved black t-shirt and my doc martins for the funeral. JD just wore a simple black suit.

"If there's any way you can hear me, Kurt buddy... I don't care that you really were some... pansy. You're my own flesh and blood and you made me proud. My son's a homosexual and I love him. I love my dead, gay son." Kurt's dad said as he bent over Kurt's coffin.

"How do you think he'd react to a son that had a limp wrist with a pulse?" JD said causing me to laugh.


Me and JD were sat on the back table when Miss Fleming started shouting in the cafeteria. "Attention!" She shouted. "May I have your attention, please? This school has been torn apart by tragedy. I'm here today to fuse it back again through togetherness. I want everyone to clasp hands. We need to connect this cafeteria into one mighty circuit!" She said getting as many kids as she could to get into the middle of the cafeteria.

"Come on let's go." I said grabbing his hand as the TV crew started to come in. "Looks like Miss Phlegm's on another one of her crusades." JD said as well looked at the mess beginning to happen. "With usual success, of course." I said before we both left.

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