Fuck You

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I never realized how much I hated the colour red. I thought looking around the red kitchen. "Right let's get to work." JD said going straight to the cupboard under the sink.

"You find a cup and I'll get something from the fridge." I said heading straight towards the fridge. "Why do you need to go to the fridge?" He asked confused as he looked through the cupboard. "Because I'm hungry." I said with a duh tone before looking in the fridge. There wasn't much so I just grabbed the orange juice.

"You can't have a glass get a mug." I told him before he poured the disinfectant into a glass. "Why not?" He asked. "Because she's not going to drink it is, she. Have u met her, she is the type of girl who checks the fat in fruit if that's even possible." I said shoving past him getting a mug from the sink.

"Whatever." He said snatching the mug off me and pouring in the disinfect. "Right let's do this." He said before we both started to walk up the stairs.


"What are you two doing here?" Heather sneered as we walked up to her overly large bed. "Well....errm.... I wanted to say sorry for yesterday it was out of hand." I said thinking up a story, we really didn't think this through. "So, we made you this after all you must have a hangover." JD said holding out the cup.

"Not really since that bitch Veronica ruined my fun. Anyway, why would I drink anything you give me?" She said looking at us like we were crazy. "Fine if you're too much of a pussy." JD said shrugging. "Do you honestly think I will fall for that? You know what just pass it here." She said before getting up and snatching the drink out of his hands.

The moment she swallowed she started to chock. She grabbed her neck moving forward trying to get something that would let her breathe before passing out and smashing the glass table. JD walked up to her and checked her pulse before nodding at me.

I gasped before sitting on her bed. "We just killed someone." I hesitated "And it felt bloody good." I stated looking up at him. "That was a rush, do you have the note?" He asked stepping over the dead body.

"Here." I said passing him the note from my jacket steering at Heather proudly. JD put the note next to her hand before turning to me. "We better get going." Said. I nodded before we both went to his bike driving away like nothing happened.


I walked into the house heading straight towards the sofa. "We just killed someone. Why am I happy about it?" I said turning to him. "Because it was the right thing to do (Y/N) and you know what, I'm glad I did it with you." He said sitting down next to me putting his hand on mine.

"JD..." I breathed, what am I doing? "The wicked bitch is dead. Come on let's celebrate." He said leaning in, but I quickly snapped myself out of whatever trance I was put into. "I need a smoke." I said before grabbing a fag and moving into the back yard.


I sat on the porch looking out across the giant garden. "Do you know why I like you?" JDs voice said huskily behind me. "No please do explain." I said sarcastically before taking a drag of the cigarette.

"Because you don't let anyone tell you what to do, you don't let anyone mess you about, and you definitely don't let anyone in. Your everything I want in life so why wouldn't I like you." He said as he stepped towards me. "JD listen." I started but I was cut off.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked looking into my eyes. "What?" I asked him confused, why would he want to kiss me? "(Y/N) Harvey can I kiss you? Because every time I look at you that's all I think about." He said stepping closer to me. He started to lean in, but I put my fingers to his lips.

"That was cringy as fuck." I said looking away from him, "anyway I have to go. I'll talk to you later." I said before rushing into the house, grabbing my things and going out on my bike.

I stopped at the road next to the forest behind the school and lit my lighter on and off out of bordom. What have I got myself into? Why didn't I just leave him at the 7/11? I mean I killed someone with him. Not that I'm not happy about it.

What will happen now that Heather is out of our lives? Probably nothing. We still have Ram and Kurt and the other Heathers in our life's. If the world is going to be good, then it needs to be cleansed of all pieces of dog shit. "What are you thinking about?" JDs voice said behind my ears.

"Could you not tell that I want to stay away from you?" I said turning away from him. "Yeah but I don't see how anyone would be able to stay away." He said leaning on the tree next to me. "Why do you want me to stay away from me anyway." He asked.

I sighed not wanting to answer that question. "Because you make me feel." I said looking down. "And what does that mean?" He said laughing. "It means that I am not meant to have emotions. I don't let people in. I don't like to even talk to people. But for some reason you? You! You have made me feel all the things I despise. And it's fucking pissing me off you piece of shit." I said before marching up to him.

"Are you saying you fancy me (Y/N)?" He said snaking his arms round my waist. I blushed but I quickly covered it up. "No." I mumbled looking down. "Are you sure?" He asked grabbing my chin with two fingers causing me to look up.

"No." I said breathlessly as I gazed into his eyes. "Then let me help out." He said before gently pressing his lips to mine. We both pulled away and I looked back at his deep brown eyes. "Fuck you." I said before we both kissed again.

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