A Funeral for the Gods

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We were now at my house watching the news report on Heathers death. "All these people are so fake." I said as I turned the TV off. "Tell me about it." He said as I got up and walked to the kitchen. "Do you want to go to the funeral?" He asked me.

"Oh Hell No." I said pulling the chocolate Ice Cream out of the fridge. "Come on we have to go." He said dragging his sentence on. "Why? I killed that bitch for a reason, I never want to see her again alive or not." I said before shoving some ice cream into my mouth.

"Please for me." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Stop it." I said trying to look away. "Oh fine." I said giving in. "I'm not bringing a card though." I said crossing my arms.


We were sat in the church while everyone knelt at Heathers coffin. "Why don't you go up (Y/N)." Miss Fleming said after Veronica said something. "Errm I don't really think-" I started but JD cut me off. "She would love too." He said pushing me up.

I gave him the look of 'I'm going to kill you' before walking up to the coffin and knelt down. 'Dear god, I don't know why the fuck I am doing this since I don't even believe in you. Thank you for letting me get away with this, I guess. See ya.' I thought before getting up and walking back to JD kicking him in the shin.

"Right let's get out of here." I said walking over to my bike. "Ok Beautiful." He said getting on his. "God why didn't I just wear Jeans." I said looking down on my black dress. It was really uncomfortable wearing this stupid thing.

"Well you look really good in it." He said before driving off. "Oh, I'm going to kill you." I murmured under my breath before following him. As we were going past, we saw Kurt and Ram beating up one of the geeks. I shook my head before JD, and I headed towards my house.


"We need to get rid of those two." I said thinking about Kurt and Ram.

"Who?" He asked putting his helmet on the side. "Ram and Kurt. They are pissing me off and I want rid of it." I said clenching my fists. "Well what do you want to do about it." He said smirking.

"I want them dead." I said turning to him. "Then let's do it." He said pulling out a gun from his trench coat. "We can't just shoot them; we have to be creative like with Heather." I said starting to pace my kitchen. "We could make it look like a pact." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes, that's great but how will we get them there." I said sitting down next to him. "You could offer them a threesome?" He questioned. "Nope, Nope, I am not degrading myself like that for Ram and Kurt." I said trying to get the image out of my now scarred head.

"It's the only way unless you have got a better idea." He said pulling me closer to him. "Nope." I said crossing my arms. "Come on they are going to be dead anyway." He said. "Oh, you know what fine." I said getting up and heading towards my room. "Are you coming!" I shouted to him not looking back.


"Hey Ram, Kurt." I said talking down the phone. "Hi who is this?" Ram said down the phone. "It's (Y/N). See I heard rumours that you and Kurt had a sword fight in Veronica's mouth. I thought you would like to try something with a real women." I said looking at JD who just sniggered.

I kicked him in the leg before Ram spoke again. "Uhhh Yeah." Ram said excited. "Great, meet me tomorrow in the forest behind the school at dawn." I said before ending the call. "I can't believe I just did that." I said laying down on my bed.

"Don't worry it'll be worth it." He said as he started to put the bullets in two guns. "Does the note look ok." I said showing him the note. "Ram and I died the day we realised we could never reveal our forbidden love to an uncaring and un-understanding world. The joy we shared in each other's arms was greater than any touchdown, yet we were forced to live the life of sexist, beer-guzzling, jock assholes." JD read out, "That's perfect." he said before he picked up a bag.

"Let's take a look at some of the homosexual artefacts I dug up to plant at the scene. All right. An issue of Stud Puppy. A candy dish, a Joan Crawford postcard. Some mascara. All right, now, here's the one perfecto thing I picked up - mineral water." He said as I nodded along.

"Great." I said as I got up to change into my PJ's. "Are you staying over tonight?" I asked him as I pulled on my pyjama bottoms. "Yeah." "Great." I said pulling on my shirt before clambering back into bed. We snuggled up together and just before I went to sleep, he whispered in my ear "Our Love is God."

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