Smurf Gone Wrong

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"That school is a piece of shit!" I shouted as I opened the door before turning on the radio. "It's just so infuriating! Miss Fleming is on a full-on hippie rampage! Heather has taken the roll of HBIC, why get rid of Heather if she is just going to be replaced!" I shouted as I threw my bag across the room.

"Then let's do something about it."JD said putting his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. "What can we do?" I said as I started pacing. "We can't kill Miss Fleming with her doing all this Anti-Suicide shit. If we kill Heather she will be replaced by Heather or Veronica. It's impossible. Why can't they all just die." That's it.

I stopped pacing and turned to JD. "That's it!" We shouted together. "How could we do it through?" I asked him. "All we need is a suicide note signed by everyone in school and a way to have everyone in the building.... then we could blow it up." He said excitedly.

"I don't know everyone's signature, but everyone will be there at the pep rally." I said sitting down and thinking. "We could black mail Heather and she could get the signatures we just have to find blackmail and make up a good lie." He said sitting down and turning to me.

"Tell me everything you know about Heather Duke." He asked me and I started racking my brain. "Heather Duke: Has been in the Heathers since middle school, was kinda bullied by Heather C. Always where's green but now she wears red..... She used to be friends with Martha Dumptruck and Veronica Sawyer in kinder garden!" I exclaimed as I finally found something that we can blackmail her with.

"Yes! Now all we need is proof." I said perking up a bit. "You talk to Martha tomorrow; I'll try and talk to Veronica." I said and he nodded. The "Teenage Suicide Don't Do It" Song came onto the radio so I pulled the gun out of JD's inside pocket shooting it causing it to fly onto the floor. JD looked at me in adoration before kissing me passionately.

"Dear god I love you." He said pulling away.


I was at my locker thinking about how I could try get blackmail out of Veronica when she walked right up next to me. "Hi Veronica, I was about to come looking for you." I said confused on why she walked up to me. "Oh well I just wanted to ask you something." she said with a smile on her face.

That smile had to be fake.

I mean why would Veronica Sawyer want to ask me something. "Ask ahead." I said grabbing my books I needed and putting them in my bag. "Errm, well I realized that you are good friends with JD." She said as I put my biology book back into my locker. "I guess you could say that-" I started but she cut me off.

"I was just wandering if he was single because not gonna lie he is really hot." She started rambling but I just blocked her out. You could say I was jealous but that would be an understatement. Veronica Sawyer as in Blueberry in heals has a crush on JD, god we really do need to blow this place up. I thought until I was snapped back into the conversation.

"So, I was just wandering if you could ask him if he is interested?" She asked as I was about to shut my locker. "He's not." I said quietly and bluntly however she heard it. "Sorry?" She asked letting her bitchy attitude get on my last nerve.

"I said he's not so back off smurf gone wrong." I said before slamming my locker shut and walking out of the school towards my bike, god I need to get out of this shit tip.


I had been out on a ride for the rest of the school day but now I had come back home. "How come you left school so early?" JD shouted from the sofa as I stormed into the living room. "Veronica Fucking Sawyer." Standing up not wanting to sit down.

"Did you talk to her?" He asked now sitting up. "Oh, I talked to her, however nothing came out of it except from her being fucking annoying brat." I said starting to pace around the place. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What happened?" He said getting up and putting his hands on my shoulders causing me to stop moving.

"Veronica she is just so infuriating!" I said looking around the room since JD had made sure I couldn't move. "(Y/N)," He said grabbing my chin causing me to look into those eyes that I get so lost in, "What. Is. Wrong?" He asked. "Veronicahasacrushonyou." I mumbled quietly looking down at the floor.

"Come again?" He asked. "Veronica has a crush on you!" I shouted in his face before walking into the kitchen grabbing some red vines. "What do you mean Veronica has a crush on me?" He asked chasing me into the kitchen.

"I mean, she came up to me asking if I could ask you if you were interested, saying that you were hot with her bitchy attitude." I said frustrated before shoving a red vine into my mouth. "And what did you say to her ?" He asked me smirking a little.

"I told her that you're not and that she was a smurf gone wrong." I said smugly. "Were you jealous?" He asked coming closer to me. "No...." I said dragging on the o.

"You were!" He exclaimed. "I was not!" I shouted back. "You were, admit it." He said wagging a finger in my face. "I was not." I said grabbing his finger. "Don't lie." He said bringing me closer to him. "I'm not." I said pouting.

"Are you sure?" He asked snaking his arms around my waist. "No." I said simply. "Don't worry Love, because I would pick you over Veronica Sawyer any day." He said pulling me into his chest before pecking my forehead.


"So, what did you get from Martha Dumptruck?" I asked JD as we laid on the couch together. "Some photos of them at some retreat, should be some good black mail." He said simply as he changed the channel. "We can talk to her tomorrow, but for now let's just relax." He said before pulling me closer into him. Then we both quickly drifted off to sleep.


Sorry if you didn't like the way that I portrayed Veronica in this, but she kinda has to be for the story. Hope you like this chapter. Thanks for reading!


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