Would you kill her?

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We parked the bikes on the drive, and I unlocked the front door. I opened it but JD wasn't behind me. I turned to the bikes seeing him there gobsmacked. "Are ya coming in or what!" I shouted snapping him out of it.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing something to eat before walking into the living room putting my feet up. "It's so big." He said in awe whilst walking around cluelessly. "Yeah I know I sort of live in it." I said turning on the tv.

"What happened with Heather earlier?" JD asked sitting next to me making himself at home. "What do you mean." I said shoving the popcorn in my mouth keeping my eyes on the tv. "You know when she called you a slut and you threatened to slit her throat. Not that I wouldn't want to see that, but do you want to talk about it." He said slinging his arm around me.

"No, I don't." I said taking moving his hand whilst changing the channel. "Come on, fill me in on the mythic bitch Heather Chandler." He said dramatically putting his hand in the air. "Fine what do you want to know?" I asked finally looking at him. "Why do you hate her?" He said bluntly.

"Doesn't everyone." I replied back simply. "Come on (Y/N). Tell me the reason you utterly detest the cow." He said leaning forward. "Well...." I started thinking about the many reasons I hate Heather Chandler. "I mean just being in her presence makes you want to hate her doesn't it." I shrugged.

"I guess but there has to be another reason hasn't there." He said giving me a knowing look. "She just has a face you want to punch. Anyway, I'm going to make myself some actual food you can wait here if you like." He nodded as I walked to the kitchen. What to eat what to eat.

Eventually I chose to make a chicken sandwich not bothering to make something else. I sat down next to JD who looked tired as hell. "You can stay here tonight if you want. I have plenty of spare bedrooms." I said as I started to eat my sandwich.

"Ok yeah sure but first I want to ask you some more questions on Heather." He said grinning. "Seriously?" I groaned. "Fine only one and I'm being fully serious.

"Would you kill her?"

I had to think about that. Would I kill Heather Chandler? If I got the chance, yes. But am I saying that because I want her dead? Would I even be able to kill someone?

"Yes." I said simply, why would I not.

"Then let's do it." JD said quickly. "What? When? How?" I asked quickly, my plans for the weekend wasn't to go on a killing spree. "We could do it tomorrow, make it look like a suicide. You can forge people's handwriting, can't you?" He said getting up and pacing.

"Yeah...." I said unsure. "Ok then. You know everyone and what they do. What does Heather Chandler do on Saturday?" He asked sitting next to me. "She misses the trip to her grandmas because she usually has a hangover." I said racking through my brain.

"That's perfect. We will go tomorrow morning... errm we will somehow get her to drink disinfect and they you can write a note." He said waving his arms about like a lunatic. "JD are you sure, what if we get caught?" I said looking at him.

"We won't its full proof." He said with a manic gleam in his eye. Are we actually going to do this, murder someone? The ultimate sin. "Ok, let's do it." I said smirking.

"I will see you in the morning my partner in crime." He said standing up and kissing my hand. "See you in the morning." I laughed before showing him his room before going to mine. I'm going to kill someone tomorrow.


I walked downstairs my hair a mess sticking up in all sorts of ways to see JD leaning on the counter a glass of orange juice in his hands. "Well hello princess." He said smoothly. "Sup, move I need my cereal." I said walking over and shoving him out the way.

"Well someone is mardy." He said finishing his drink. "It's a Saturday morning and I'm up early I need my food." I said grabbing the cereal and eating out of the box giving him a glare that could kill. "Ok ok, I'm just going to go over there." He said putting his arms up in surrender.

After I ate my breakfast and had a well needed shower I went to get changed. What do you wear when you're about to murder someone? I ended up wearing ripped jeans with fishnets and a black v neck t-shirt. "Right let's go then." I said putting on my shoes before grabbing my leather jacket.

"I think we should only take one bike it will be less loud." He said as we walked out. "Alright we will take mine then." I said taking out my keys. "But mines quicker, come on." He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me towards his bike. It was too early for me to argue so I just went along with it.

We both got on as he revved up the engine. "Wrap your arms around my waist!" He shouted over the engine. "What?!" I shouted back not wanting to put my arms near him. "You will fall off, come on just put your arms around me!" He shouted frustrated.

"Fine!" I shouted forcibly putting my arms around him. I could feel my blush crawling up my cheeks. "Right off we go." He said speeding out of my drive heading towards Heather Chandlers house.


I promise I will update soon just trying to sort out my ideas and put them in the right place.

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