Chapter 3

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Months Later, the day arrived

Lance frantically stalked around the room, searching under tables and scanning the couch for his white cape.

"Keith!" Lance shouted, still scanning the room, then briskfully walked into the long closet, continuing his search there.

A pair of metal doors opened, and Keith stepped out dressed in a black suit.

"What do you need?" Keith asked annoyed.

Lance continued shoving things out of the way in his search before giving up and flopping carelessly on the couch, throwing his head back in a groan.

Keith stared at him in confusion for a minute before walking back to the closet and picking up Lance's white cape off a chair.

"Looking for this?" Keith asked, confused.

Lance grumbled something before murmuring a "thanks," and took the cape from Keith's hands.

He stalked back to the closet, and leaned against the counter, unable to look at himself in the mirror.

Keith slowly walked over, and set a hand on Lance's shoulder.

"Why are you doing this?"

Lance let out a chuckle, continuing to study the countertop.

"Because... Allura means everything to me. I love her so much. If she ever really dies, I want to live on knowing I'm her husband."

Keith gave a nod before clipping Lance's cape to his shoulders.

"Look. I understand you are nervous. But, standing here and brooding won't help."

Lance glanced at Keith, giving him a flat look.

"Take It from the person that has lost almost everything. You have to be happy in the moment. Especially this one. I just wish I had figured it out earlier."

Lance's frustration faded, and he nodded at Keith in a thankful way.

" Your right. I'm worrying to much. We have been through much worse."

Keith patted Lance's shoulder before walking back, and returning to his previous room.

Lance set his Altean crown on his head before starring at his reflection in the mirror.

"I can do this..."

Lance walked out of the room, a smile broadening his face, before he stopped on the center of the room, his smiled faded, paused, looking around.

"Keith! Have you seen my boots?" Lance shouted.

Keith groaned loudly from the other room.

"Not my problem Lance!"

Lance chuckled and began his searching once again.


Pidge walked out from the parting metal doors, holding the end of the fabric of her dress.

"Hey, Allura? So, their are many different colored dresses and I forgot which one... And, I'm talking to no one. Allura!"

Pidge walked around in the room, until popping her head in the closet, seeing Allura looking at herself in a full length mirror. Her dress was white, quite poofy and flowing, complimented with gold and pink.

"Allura?" Pidge asked confused.

Allura let out an annoyed sigh, and walked over to Pidge, taking her wrist and dragging her into the closet.

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