Chapter 7

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Allura lay on the bed, resting the small bundle in her arms.

She was worn and tired, and tears began flowing down her cheeks.

Lance lay next to her bed, crying as well.

"It's a girl..." Lance murmured.

"Athea..." Allura whispered, "Lance, she's beautiful..."

Lance nodded in agreement, wiping his cheeks before slipping his finger inbetween the baby's clenched fist.

Allura ran her fingers through the baby's soft brown hair, and gasped.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

Allura beamed, "She has your ears."

Lance looked about to burst with joy and pride.

Allura slowly handed the tiny bundle to Lance, who imediently began cradling the baby.

The baby sucked in a gulp of air, before sneezing a tiny kitten sneeze.

Lance drew back startled, but quietly squealed in happiness.

"Allura! She just sneezed! It was adorable!"

Allura laughed, "Lance, she isn't as fragile as she looks, she is half Altean after all."

Lance set is forehead on the tiny baby's, joyus tears continuing to flow.

"I promise. I will keep you, and your mother safe, with all my life." Lance whispered softly.

Allura smiled at how caring he was, and how sweet and adorable he was acting.

Lance leaned over, both parents cradling their baby in their arms.

"We're parents, Allura..." Lance whispered.

Allura nodded, kissing his cheek, "I just hope we can give her happiness..."

Lance squeezed Allura's shoulder, giving her a soft look, "Stop doubting yourself, Allura. You are going to be an amazing mother."

Allura smiled before dropping her gaze down to the bundle in the pink blanket.

"Now I just hope she will go easy on us."

Lance chuckled, the reaching down, and kissing the baby' which pushed up her soft cheek, scruntching her face.

"Our little Athea..."


Lance walked up and down the hallway to the castle of lions, softly singing and rocking the tiny bundle.

Athea's eyes slowly dropped closed, as she sucked on the white and pink passifier.

Lance rested his cheek on the baby's warm head, taking in the sweet smell of milk and lavender.

He ran his hand through the baby's wild brown hair, combing the strands with his fingers.

He stopped when he reached the end of the baby's hair, seeing the specks of white at the bottom.

"Odd." He thought.

He continued walking back and forth, softly patting the baby's back.

Lance yawned and felt his eyes slowly droop as well.

He walked down the hall until reaching the long semi-circle couch.

He carefully laid-down, setting Athea on his chest, and draping the soft pink blanket over Athea's back.

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