A Pinching Affair - Chapter 6

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A/N - Hey, guys I'm sorry for the long ass wait. Here you go. Btw, the long lengths of italics means Lisa's dreaming


I stood there at the alter, looking at the groomsmen in front of me. Jennie was there, in the crowd. She sat in the second row with her parents. I was in a big, long wedding dress. It had distorted floral lace shapes. My vision was clouded with a mesh veil in front of my eyes. My hair was down and my bangs were curled.

My gaze directed back to the groom who was standing in front of me. Only, when I looked at his face, there wasn't one. All I could see was his brown hair that was combed over to his right. His face was blurred and foggy. It looked like you had just taken the liquify tool from photo shop and moved around his face until there wasn't one anymore.

I gulped nervously as the minister started reading from his wedding book of vows. "Do you, Lalisa Manoban, take," his voice went quiet for a moment as he'd said the groomsmen name, "to be your lovely wedded wife?"

He nodded and took my hands in his, "I do." The sound of his voice saying those two words made me cringe more than I've ever cringed before. The sound of a man's voice saying those two, very special, words disturbs me. It urkes me to the point of not wanting to ever get married. Ever.

The minister turned to me and repeated the same thing. "Lalisa Manoban, do you take," his voice cut out again at the groomsmen's name, "to be your lovely wedded husband?"

I stood there, frozen in shock and anxiety. Of course, I didn't want to say yes. Why the hell would I ever do that. The minister, and everyone else was waiting for an answer from me.

My natural instinct was to turn and run off of the stage. I ran from the alter and down the aisle to the huge and heavy church doors. I dropped the bouquet of flowers thst some how appeared in my hands out of no where.

The whole croud gasped in surprise. There was only one person who didn't, and that person was Jennie. She knew that I didn't want to go through with this whole arranged marriage thing. But the question is, how did she know? I haven't told her yet.

Jennie got up and followed soon after me. She ran toward me in her peach colored, knee high dress. Her hair was in a beautiful up do with curls and everything.

I pushed past the doors and all I could hear were the sounds of heals clicking on the hard wood floor of the church. "Lisa, wait!" Jennie called out, her hand stretched out to try and grab the back of my dress.

I reached the front doors of the church and pushed through them. Tears were streaming down my face, causing my mascara to smudge. I fell on my knees on the gravel road outside of the huge church that was behind me.

I felt the hands of someone on my shoulders. I cried and sobbed harder and harder. My tears fell into my palms as I cried into them. Jennie started to shake me a bit. "Lisa, wake up! Wake up, Lisa! Lisa!" Jennie's voice seemed urgent. I was confused as to why she was telling me to wake up.

The shaking motion became more prominent and aggressive. Her shouting got louder, until-

My eyes opened abruptly as I gasped for air. I was laying on my side in a bed thst wasn't mine. I sat up and turned to see that a naked Jennie was laying behind me. My hand grasped the blanket and held it up to my chest to cover my breasts.

It took me a moment to collect my thoughts and take in my surroundings. I soon realized that I was in Jennie's bed and that I had spent the previous night at her house. I sighed in relief and laid back down on my pillow, and played with the silky material thst covered it.

My face felt wet, almost like I had been crying. I wiped off my cheeks and eyes and felt my wet eyelashes brush against my fingers. I turned my head and faced Jennie.

"Thank God, I thought you'd never wake up. You were crying in your sleep and kept mumbling weird things. I knew you were weird, but not this weird." Jennie said. She had wat I'd like to call sexy bed head. Her hair was messy, but also exceptionally neat and sexy at the same time.

She had no make up on and only showed her natural face. I quite liked her bare face more than her make up face. I came to realize thst she had on an unbuttoned night shirt. It was of thin material and had vertical strips of pinks and blues. The shirt covered her breasts but showed the valley between them. And since she was laying on her side, her breasts pressed together and created cleavage. The material was so thin that you could see her rock hard nippled poke through the shirt.

"Looks like it's cold in here," I cracked a small smile and chuckled a little to lighten the mood. Jennie's face automatically blushed a soft shade of pink. She tried to hide her face in the night shirt she was wearing.

"Shut up, Manoban. Don't think I won't push you out of this bed. I'll do it just as fast as I got into your pants." The brunette retaliated immediately with a fiery blow.

My eyes widened in surprise as I sat up and let the blanket fall. "Yah! Don't be rude!" I exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air. The curtains were opened to the huge windows that were the back wall of her room.

I reached over to the bed side table and grabbed my glasses and put them on. "Unnie, do you have a scrunchy I could use?" I asked, starting to pull my hair back into s high ponytail.

"Yeah, I think. And, Manoban, you don't have to call me unnie. I literally ate your pussy and fingered you. If anything, you should be calling me mommy." Jennie winked at me with a small smirk.

I automatically became flustered by the thought of her tongue playing with my no-no square. The latter's hand reached over into her drawer as she pulled out a white scrunchy. I took the bunched up piece of 80s fabric and weaved it into my hair to keep it in place.

My pail breasts were exposed to the cool morning air. Jennie reached her hand over and lightly pinched one of them with her fingers. I yelped and smacked her hand away. "Hey! Stop that. I know I have great nipples but you don't have to pinch them off." I pouted cutely and covered my chest with my hands.

Jennie sat up and moved over to my side of the bed. She straddled my legs and got on top of me, pinning me down by my shoulders. "You wanna take your hands off of those beautiful breasts of yours before I fuck the shit out of you?" The girl above me raised an eye brows with a sturn expression on her face. I could tell that she was NOT playing around.

I nodded out of fear and slowly took my hands off my tits, exposing them to the air once again. Jennie automatically looked down and stared at them. "Hm, too bad, I feel like fucking you anyway." Jennie's head darted down to my breasts as her hands gripped them firmly and her mouth sucked on them.

Shit's about to get fucked up.
A/N - Y'all, again I'm sorry for the like 4 or 5 month wait. Just a lot of shit has been going on. But I do appreciate the support from this book.


Author-nim out!❤😜

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