Meeting them

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She was alone on this journey, not being able to find any loyal companions due to the haste with which she had set off. Sometimes she would simply not be bothered by such but there were moments when she felt so alone and more than anything wished for a faithful companion or two who would be by her side so she wouldn't feel the weight behind her quest,behind her journey....behind who she really was. Supreme Guardian of the Seven Realms;how would she be able to live up to it, I mean come on she had the powers and the abilities but there was still something she needed to have before she was truly ready for this, for this great task which was meant for her and her alone, and then came the responsibilities that would follow, the locking and unlocking of the portals, the bonding of her energy to the powerful chi which surrounded the realms as well as the maintenance of that bond. All these and so many more kept clouding her mind and strengthening her desire for loyal companions
She was walking along an eerie path, singing softly to herself in order to take her mind away from the loneliness of the pathway when all of a sudden she heard a rustle in the nearby bushes, unlike others who would have taken it to be some random animal running around, Hexxa had become extra alert, creating a bow and arrow of fire and holding it tightly as she walked. She knew that Guyana would most likely take advantage of her lone state and try to eliminate her. However she was better than that and would not give that witch the pleasure of killing her, not when she had a world to save.
She kept walking, no longer singing without a care in the world but now watching the bush and keeping her arm close to the string, ready for an ambush of any sort. As she kept walking, she heard another rustle snd immediately shot an arrow in the direction which she heard it, the moment she did so, a sharp silver dagger went flying in the air, aiming for her heart but luckily she was quick enough to dodge it. Just then, her attacker came out from the bushes, a sword glistening in his hand;
"You cursed creature, I shall eliminate you!!", he screamed as he ran towards her, raising his sword high in the air. Hexxa analyses her attacker as he approached, he looked no younger than 25 and from the bedraggled look which he bore, she could tell that he was a charmcaster slave of the queen.
Just like her mother.....
She shook that thought the moment it crossed her mind. She had no mother, she had lost her mother when she was two and had survived very well without her, she was as normal as she should have been with a mother's love, well except that she was too hardened for a girl of her age and well, apart from the charm and graces which life in the court had accustomed her to, way too much of a wild one.
"Oh really, well I'd like to see you try", she spat as she aimed a flaming arrow straight for his thigh and fired it, earning a yowl of pain from the man who was now trying his best to not allow the blow to stop him, "You're a strong one I see, the Queen must have trained you well. After all you are her mindless slave", she taunted as she readied a fireball in her hand. The man however, did not edge forward but rather made a strange sound, a sort of call and for a moment Hexxa was confused;who could he possibly be calling in the middle of the forest? No one would come.....
She immediately regretted that smug thought when she found herself surrounded by twenty other men who like this particular one had only one intention;eliminate her;the real Supreme Guardian. She took a deep breath, making sure to calm herself before attacking anyone. Ephileor had told her to do this on numerous occasions as this helps her to draw energy from the realms(an ability only she had) and ready the most dangerous times, so she decided to do it now, praying she would be lucky this time.
Unfortunately that was not to be as seven of the men had already begun attacking her, thus throwing her off balance and stopping her from preparing any defence. But no, she wasn't going to give them that satisfaction, she had to come up with something quick....or else...
Not wanting to waste a minute, Hexxa began channeling the fire in her heart to all parts of her body, heating up as though she would explode any moment soon. She began to glow, the glistening gold of the shining sun and she liked it, she liked the feel of the power humming through her veins and she loved how these people didn't know what she was doing. She kept on doing it until finally she burst into flames, throwing all the seven into far corners of the clearing. They thought they could take her on. Well she would show them that no one challenges the Supreme......
She had already created a wall of fire around herself and thought it to me enough until suddenly her wall was doused and the men began approaching. How could they? She turned to analyze them and soon enough saw the one who had put out her shield.....a water hexer. Interesting, she thought to herself as she watched them approach, now she could have the opportunity to test her water powers but before she could do so, the hexer had already thrown her off guard with a well aimed waterball and by the time she could regain herself she was already surrounded by an array of swords,
"Surrender now, you cursed one;and we might consider being merciful enough to end you here, without allowing the Queen the sadistic pleasure of torturing you to death"
Despite her firm and stoic expression,Hexxa could not help but shudder at the thought of being tortured by the "demon queen", that was a horrible fate that no man deserved to go through yet many have left that way. She tried attacking but they held her with a grip stronger than iron, and when the strategy seemed hopeless, she braced herself for the fatal blow, a blow which never came. Surprised, she looked up to see a girl with dark hair and lovely green eyes fighting side by side with an equally dashing young man with brown hair and ruby eyes, who was looking to be even more ruthless than his friend, who was already positioning her sword on the necks of the two commanders who had attacked Hexxa,
"Now, you should have more respect than attacking the Supreme Guardian the way you did. I can't blame you though, you are the queen's puppet and she taught you no manners. Be gone now so that I may have peace".
The guards jeered and taunted, calling her names which were not meant to be said near a lady, some had even gone on to insult Hexxa, who was now glowering.

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