I'm Tired

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Usually, I would put these at the end, but I need to put a disclaimer here, there is racism in this chapter towards Hispanic people. I wanted to warn you just in case you are sensitive to this subject, and also explicitly say that I do not believe anything said by Rex's uncle in ANY chapter. I believe everyone is equal and they should always be seen as such. 


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            I am so tired of this serial killer. Whoever they are they keep killing men, most of them in their late twenties recently. And it's all men who had dated men in the past. That's where I lose the trail. For the longest time, I thought it was a homophobic woman with a grudge. I can rule that out now because I know the killer is a man. So is he trying to find his soulmate? I believe so. Why else would he kill people only in his age range and only the ones he could possibly fall in love with? What if he's my soulmate? He didn't hit me with the knife, so was he not able to, or did he not want to? 

            No matter, my uncle is coming to visit me in a week and I have to find someone by then and I have to find the killer before he kills anyone else. I'll be busy for a while. Maria left me, yelling and screaming about how I hurt her and it was my fault that I hadn't expressed pain when it was caused by her. So that relationship is down the proverbial toilet. I was trying to keep my cover for just two more weeks, but now I have to find another girl and act as if I'm straight yet again. It's not as if I never loved the girls I was in relationships with, just that I am bisexual and lean more towards men. Which would bug my uncle if he knew, since he is strongly against people that are different from him. I suppose I should tell him but since he owns my house, I have to find another first. 

            My uncle raised me after my mother and father got in a car crash. The other driver wasn't under the influence of anything, but my dad deserved it. At least that's what my uncle told me, and since I was a baby when the car crash happened, I wouldn't know. He bullied me throughout my childhood for being part Hispanic. I was told many times "You're lucky I loved my sister. Otherwise, I never would have taken in her abomination of a son." I know it's stupid, but for the longest time, I believed my father was a horrible person because he was Hispanic. I wasn't allowed to have pictures of my father, only of my mother and never of her in a wedding dress. We ignored that my father was ever a part of my life. I wasn't even allowed to go to any events held by a Lopez, even my cousin's quinceanera. But now my life was different. I had met my relatives and learned to accept myself. I had pictures of my dad. I never hung them up because as I said, my uncle owns the house, and he visits often. 

            I'm tired. I'm tired of my uncle, of serial killers roaming the country. Tired of not being able to love who I want. And most of all I'm tired of being tired. My daughter keeps telling me that I shouldn't be so down on myself. I am trying so hard to be there for her. At her plays and concerts and taking her to school, but she needs someone else too. I have to travel a lot and I don't know who to trust with my daughter. She is my world and if I could just find one person to watch her, I would be a lot less stressed.

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