Iced Coffee

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            I got a large iced coffee and sat down near the back of the coffee house. I was nervous. This is the first date I've gone on with a guy in a long time. Sadie was staying at a friend's house, so I didn't have to worry about her til about 5. She told me that she could stay for dinner, and I happily agreed. I could eat whatever I wanted without her caring. She worried too much.

            I saw Gary walk into the shop and I waved. He nodded to me and ordered, before coming over and sitting in front of me. I watched his eyes, wanting so badly to keep them in my li-I mean whatever. He smiled at me then gave me a questioning glance. "Iced Coffee? It's like 10° outside." "You're one to judge! You're wearing a short sleeve shirt." He shrugged and drank his tea. This might just work out...

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